Visit from YPJ Commander Derîk to Barcelona representatives

ISTANBUL - YPJ General Command member Sozdar Dêrik visited Barcelona at the invitation of the Catalan Parliament.
Sozdar Dêrik, member of the General Command of the Women's Defense Units (YPJ), one of the defense forces in Northern and Eastern Syria, visited Barcelona upon the invitation of the Catalan Parliament. According to the YPJ Press Center, Dêrik held talks with the Speaker of the Catalonian Parliament Alba Vergés Bosch, the representative of the People's Union Party (CUP-Candidatura d'Unitat Popular) Carles Riera and the representative of the Left Republican Party of Catalonia (ERC-Esquerra Republicana de Catalonia) Wagensberg.
During the meetings, it was stated that the security of Northern and Eastern Syria, the danger of ISIS and the fight against this danger, the situation of the Hol Camp and Turkey's attacks on the region were discussed. The struggle of women in Northern and Eastern Syria in military, political and social fields was also on the agenda of the meetings.
While YPJ Commander Dêrik was invited to television programs in Catalonia, he answered the questions of more than 400 participants in a program moderated by journalist Mònica Terribas. Dêrik also attended a book fair in Barcelona. Here, the book titled "Kurdish Women's Movement - Theory and Practice" by the author Dilar Dirik, in which she describes the struggle of Kurdish women, was introduced.
Dêrik's visits continue.