Free to Dosso Dossi, forbidden to MKM

ISTANBUL - Stating that Dosso Dossi was a part of the assimilation policies, One of the MKM artists Engin Cengiz said: "The Kurds should stand against this."
During the AKP rule, when oppression and assimilation policies towards Kurdish language and culture were most intense, policies targeting young people with cultural degeneration continued with concerts and programs under the name of festivals. In recent years, policies aiming to destroy Kurdish culture, history and memory are being tried to be implemented in the cities of Kurdistan with the organization of Dossi Dossi Holding.
The organizations that were previously held under the name of "festival" in the Cîzir (Cizre) districts of Şirnex, Sûr (Sur) of Amed and Bazîd (Doğubayazıt) of Agirî are once again on the agenda with the start of the summer term. The Ağrı Mountain Music Festival, which will be held on July 9 under the sponsorship of Doğubayazıt Mayor Yıldız Acar and Dosso Dossi Holding, who was expelled from the Governorship of Ağrı, Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP), once again turned it into the aforementioned organizations.
Engin Cengiz, one of the artists of the Mesopotamia Cultural Center (MKM), evaluated the assimilation policies targeting the Kurdish society and the organizations of Dosso Dossi Holding.
Stating that these organizations held in the cities of Kurdistan are not independent of the government and its policies, Cengiz said: "The Dosso Dossi organization is also an organization created by the government. Dosso Dossi and similar organizations are a part of the assimilation policy. Any activity that MKM has done or is trying to do is stuck with the obstacles and prohibitions of the government. It has been proven very clearly that the people who will take the stage there serve the popular culture and assimilation.”
Stating that the aim of the government is to corrupt, Cengiz said: “The government says to the Kurdish people and artists, 'Be like this, if you are like this, we will allow you'. The government wants everything to be under its control. We have a government that does not recognize the will, it wants to attack and control everything outside of itself.”
Underlining that artists should be sensitive to such organizations, Cengiz continued: “We need to see that the system follows a policy. MKM is not the patron of Kurdishness. Why only MKM is making a statement? I wish everyone would stand against it and make a statement. He should say, 'This is the project of people trying to assimilate us'. We are an individual, a part of the Kurdish people. We may differ in opinion, we may think differently, but we are a part of the Kurdish people. There is a total orientation towards the Kurdish people. There is a government that says, 'We will assimilate Kurdish, we will erase it from the earth'. He does not say this only to the MKM, but to the entire Kurdish community.”