Makhmur rulers: The government should abandon the blockade and listen to the people

NEWS CENTER - Makhmur Camp administrators made a call to the government, which wants to blockade the camp, "Give up your decision, listen to the people".
Makhmur Camp, which Turkey frequently targets with air strikes, has been besieged by the Iraqi army for 4 days. The army wants to close the camp with wire fences and build towers. The Makhmur people, who oppose this, are resisting the blockade from 7 to 70. The Iraqi army, which had to accept negotiations after the resistance of the Makhmur people, is expected to make its final decision about the camp today. Makhmur Municipality Co-Mayor Fatma Bilen and Makhmur Foreign Relations Committee Member Bêwar Önver evaluated the latest developments.
Expressing that Iraq wants to surround the camp with wire fences and blockade it, Makhmur Municipality Co-Mayor Fatma Bilen emphasized that the people will never accept this. Stating that the Maxmurians have resisted for 30 years, Bilen said: “The people never accepted the attacks and never bowed down to the attacks. We will start the resistance again and increase Makhmur's resistance. Makhmur is prohibited. If this continues, the region will be at great risk. We have serious problems with basic needs such as supplies, medicine, water and food. One person was injured on the first day of the attack and our wounded stayed here for hours. We condemn this initiative of the Iraqi Government. There is a serious problem here. We call on everyone to stand up, resist and take care of Makhmur Camp."
Expressing that the people responded to the blockade of Iraq with resistance, Bêwar Önver, a member of the Makhmur Foreign Relations Commission said: "The people prevented the Iraqi army from advancing. The people's resistance continues. There are many soldiers around the camp. But the people of the camp are also determined to resist. This initiative of the Iraqi government is very wrong. The government serves those who want to exploit Iraqi soil. The government does nothing in the name of democracy in Iraq, but tries to present itself as a democratic government. These attempts will put them in a very difficult position. We are always in favor of solving something through dialogue."