Prisoner released at the age of 52, when he detained at the age of 22

DİYARBAKIR - Prisoner Abdulselam Güler was released after 30 years in detention. Stating that he was experiencing a bittersweet joy, Güler said: "I want all my friends to be released."
Abdulselam Güler, who is on the seriously ill prisoner list of the Human Rights Association (İHD), was released after 30 years of detention. Güler was detained in Amed's Pasûr (Kulp) district in 1993 when she was only 22 years old. Güler, who was detained for 50 days and subjected to severe torture, was later arrested and sentenced to life imprisonment at the State Security Court (DGM), where he was tried.
Güler was transferred to prisons in Amed(Diyarbakır), Çewlîg(Bingöl), Sêrt(Siirt), Ordu and Bandırma during his 30-year detention. Güler, who suffered from many diseases during this period, struggled with diseases such as swelling of the heart valves, high blood pressure and shortness of breath.
Güler's situation was also frequently discussed in the Justice Watch demonstration, which started in Amed on November 16, 2021, demanding the release of the ill and prisoners whose execution was burned. Güler's relatives also joined the Justice Watch.
Güler, who was not released despite all attempts, was released today after completing his sentence. Thus, Güler was released from prison at the age of 52, which he entered at the age of 22. Güler, who was released from Diyarbakır High Security Prison No. 2, was welcomed by his family, Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) former MP Gülser Yıldırım, Association for Assistance and Solidarity with Prisoners and Convicted Families (TUHAY-DER) Amed Branch and many people. Güler was greeted with applause and bells on his way out of prison. Güler then moved to the family home.
Güler, who was welcomed here with joy by his relatives, said: "Yes, I was released today. On the one hand, I am happy, but on the other hand, I have a bittersweet joy for my friends who stayed inside; therefore, I cannot fully express my feelings. I want them to be released as soon as possible."