Rangers battered Green Left Party officials

ŞIRNAK/MARDİN - In Sêgirkê, former head of ranger Şehmus Babat and his children attacked and battered Green Left Party polling clerks, while AKP Nisêbîn District President Latif Özel and his armed rangers also put pressure on polling clerks.
At Süleyman Bölünmez High School in Mêrdîn Nisêbîn (Nusaybin) district, AKP Nisêbîn district President Latif Özel and his armed rangers wanted to put pressure on the ballot box president and ballot box officials. Private and rangers, who went to the ballot box number 1210 3 times, tried to put the officials under pressure. Thereupon, upon the notification of the ballot box president and polling clerks, lawyers went to the school and a report was taken about what happened.
In the report, it was determined that there were armed people in the ballot box number 1210 by the AKP district chairperson and his bodyguards. It was stated that this report was prepared after we were informed that the ballot box president and the observers were disturbed by the AKP district president and his bodyguards, with the accusation of unfounded interference with the citizens.
The report was signed by the ballot box chairperson, official polling clerk, CHP poll clerk, Green Left Party observer, IYI Party polling clerk and Vatan Party observer.
While the AKP chairperson also kept a report about the officials, only the AKP ballot box official signed the minutes.
In Sêgirkê, Green Left Party officials were battered by rangers.