Uçar voted: May it lead to a democratic republic

ISTANBUL - Green Left Party Co-Spokesperson Çiğdem Kılıçgün Uçar, who voted in Istanbul, pointed out that democracy should be built in Turkey and said that they wanted the election results to be conducive to a new constitution and a democratic republic.
Greens and Left Future Party (Green Left Party) Co-Spokesperson Çiğdem Kılıçgün Uçar voted in Gazi Primary School in Gazi District. When Uçar came to vote with his delegation, citizens who came to vote greeted Uçar with applause. Then, Uçar voted in the ballot box numbered 1359.
Uçar reminded that May 14 is also Mother's Day and celebrated the Mothers of Peace, Saturday and all other mothers' day. Uçar said: “I wish that the struggle for truth and peace carried out by the Saturday Mothers and the Peace Mothers will lead to an achievement in the new century. Likewise, we want the democratic politics needed by this country to be built and brought to life, and we promise a democratic republic.”