Yoleri: The discriminatory mentality towards prisoners polarizes society

İSTANBUL - Expressing that the government deepens discrimination regarding ill prisoners, İHD İstanbul Branch President Gülseren Yoleri said that this is against the principle of equality and that the society is polarized.
According to the latest data of the Human Rights Association (İHD); There are 1,517 ill prisoners in prisons, 651 of whom are seriously ill. Following the death of former Lieutenant General Vural Avar, who was tried in the ' February 28 Trial and sentenced to life imprisonment,' and signed by the Minister of Justice Bekir Bozdağ, the circular titled "Proceedings on the Mitigation or Removal of Sentences of Persons Due to Persistent Illness, Injury and Old" was signed on 3 January. published.
AKP President Tayyip Erdoğan has released 5 soldiers on trial in the ' February 28 Trial' since the day the circular was issued, and Mehmet Emin Alpsoy, who was recently sentenced to aggravated life imprisonment as the "military wing officer" of Hezbollah responsible for the deaths of 3 people, said: '28 Çetin Saner, who was sentenced to life imprisonment within the scope of the 'February Case', lifted the sentences of Nihat İliman and Sedat Çelik, who was imprisoned for "drugs", on the basis of Article 104. Despite the reports of the ATK that they "cannot be held in prison", not a single step has been taken for seriously ill prisoners who have been in prison so far.
Noting that for whom the President will use his power of pardon, Yoleri said that they were not mistaken in this regard and that the President used his powers of amnesty in a discriminatory way. Yoleri said: “In parallel with the previous practices, this latest release is applied to those who are members of Hezbollah and Ergenekon, but that it is not applied to prisoners over the age of 80 who are 90 percent disabled, which we say every week, shows that this discriminatory mentality continues.”