109-year-old voter: Put your seal on the tree, let's eat the fruit

HARPUT - 109-year-old voter Zeynep Çam, who called to vote for the Green Left Party, said: “I know my party, I will put my seal under the tree. Put your seal on the tree, and we will eat its fruit.”
The Greens and Left Future Party (Green Left Party), which continues its election campaign with the goal of sending 100 MPs to the parliament, excites voters from 7 to 70 with its colorfulness in Harput. Zeynep Çam, 109, is the most excited about her centuries-old life. Çam, whose identity was revealed at the age of 10, is recorded in the official records as born in 1924. The Şaman village of Maden, where Cam had to migrate as a result of state pressure in 1990, was also completely evacuated.
Çam does not miss any special day celebrated for Kurds in the city, and takes its place in Newroz celebrations every year. Çam, who lives in Yedi Göze village of the center, stated that she will vote for the Green Left Party in the May 14 elections and listed her reasons.
Çam said: "My parents are Kurdish and I am Kurdish, so  I vote for the Green Left Party. I vote for the party which Kurds vote. My life has been spent with struggle and effort since my childhood. We were coaching, I did farming, I milked animals, I made cheese, cottage cheese, I looked after animals. I have always spent my life working. I also met many revolutionaries throughout my life. I has 50 grandchildren, most of my grandchildren's names are in Kurdish. Because of Mazlum Doğan, who is from Karakoçan, one of Çam's grandchildren is named Mazlum. I live with the longing of my grandchildren who had to go abroad due to the pressures. I will vote for my grandchildren as well.  For my grandchildren that I cannot see, I also vote for the Green Left Party and the Kurds."
Expressing his excitement as the elections approached, Çam said: “I greeted my party with flags in every election for my Kurdishness, faith and honor. I have been in the fields on important days for the Kurds for a long time. I would join Newroz with joy and enthusiasm. When our party came in the elections, I would take our flags and go to meet those who came. I was joining Newroz with my old self. Someone there said to me that I was going to fall, watch out! I told them, 'Kurds will not fall'. I entered the Newroz area and danced the halay”.
“Do you recognize the emblem of the Green Left Party?” To the question, Çam said: "I don't know if there is no tree, but I know my party has its tree. On the election day, I will go and put the 'yes' seal under the tree on the paper (compass), put the envelope in the ballot box and come. Of course I will vote for the Kurdish party. While returning from voting in the previous election, someone on the way asked me, 'What did you do?' So I went and put my seal under the tree, I said I came after eating my fruit, I will do the same again. We will seal the tree and eat its fruit. Put your seal on the tree, and we will eat its fruit.”
Stating that she is sad that she can no longer go out to the streets and support her party due to her age, Çam said: “They imprisoned Selahattin Demirtaş because he was a Kurd. They do not want the Kurds to be strong, they always want to oppress and kill them. That's why they put Kurds in jail. They also arrested my grandson, he exiled abroad after he was released from prison. I am longing for my grandson and my village, and I will vote for them.”
MA / Şirvan Çil