Women journalists: MKGP is an important meeting place

ISTANBUL - Stating that the MKGP is an important field of struggle that provides solidarity among women journalists, women journalists said: “Kurdish women journalists have a great share in changing the masculine language. The platform gives confidence with its work, it is an important address.”
The Mesopotamia Women Journalists Platform (MKGP), which was established on May 3, 2017 as a field of struggle by women journalists working in news agencies, radio and TV, which was closed with the Decree-Law, has left 6 years behind. While the platform aims to make all kinds of anti-democratic practices visible on the basis of solidarity, dozens of platform member female journalists were detained during this period, and lawsuits were filed against them, demanding prison terms of up to years. 18 platform members are still in detention.
Women journalists in Istanbul talked about its platform and solidarity.
Pointing out that the pressure on the press has increased with the AKP government, Ekmek and Gül editor Elif Ekin Saltık said: “It is difficult to be a journalist in Turkish conditions, but it is even more difficult to be a female journalist. When we go out on the field, we are exposed to both the harassment and violence of our news sources and the violence of the police. But despite all this, women journalists do not step back and work to change and transform the media space. In this sense, JINNEWS, Jin TV, Bread and Rose or other women's platforms began to change and transform the masculine space of the media. It is important for us that the MKGP periodically makes statements regarding violations of rights and carries out activities for imprisoned journalists in terms of a completely free press. It increases the visibility of women's words."
Referring to the recent operations against JINNEWS and Mesopotamia Agency (MA) reporters, Saltık said: "Journalists were arrested just because of the news they made. Women journalists are being tried to be subdued in particular. Our friends did not bow down. In the face of all these repression policies, we are trying to change that masculine language in the media. That is why we call on women journalists to be included in these platforms, to be in solidarity and to be transformed.”
Aktif News Agency (ETHA) reporter Elif Bayburt reminded the pressures against the Kurdish press and said that the government puts the journalists who take a stand with the people under pressure. Bayburt said: “This oppressive regime did not exist only with the AKP government. It is a century old tradition. Anyone who pays attention to the Kurdish issue and makes news about it is a target. The regime has an anti-Kurdish and male character. In this sense, female journalists are directly targeted because they expose the Kurdish and misogynistic character of the state. The journalists who can best reflect this truth are Kurdish women journalists. The role played by Kurdish women journalists during this period stands in a very unique and key place in terms of the free press tradition.”
Stating that Kurdish women journalists have made many important contributions to the opposition press, Bayburt said: "It is necessary to remember Nagihan Akarsel and Gurbetelli Ersöz, who were assassinated. It made great contributions to the masculine language. Examples such as JINNEWS and Jin TV are actually the first examples in Turkey. In this sense, the Kurdish press tradition is given special importance. For exactly the reasons we have listed, the tradition created by these colleagues, the dynamic they created actually revealed a whole other level for all of us. We learned a lot from each other and shared a lot. Kurdish women journalists have a great share in changing that masculine language. That share can never be ignored.”
Stating that Kurdish women journalists come to mind first when talking about the opposition press, Agence France-Press (AFP) reporter Eylül Deniz Yaşar said: "The Kurdish press tradition, which comes from Musa Anter, is a very important figure for anyone starting opposition journalism, I think the establishment of the MKGP is the most meaningful and valuable thing in the press community. It is reassuring that female journalists can defend their colleagues against violence in the field and continue to do so in a legal sense. I think that we have an important address to increase the contact points of women journalists with each other. Kurdish women journalists have a leading role in determining the language of the media. In this sense, let's not leave Kurdish women journalists alone.”
MA / Esra Solin Dal