Halise Aksoy and her daughter, whose son's bones given by, arrested

  • actual
  • 19:23 28 April 2023
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DİYARBAKIR- During the detention operation in Diyarbakır, Halise Aksoy and her daughter Mizgin Karataş, whose bones of her son Agit İpek were sent to her by cargo, were also arrested.
The number of those detained as part of an investigation initiated by the Diyarbakır Chief Public Prosecutor's Office upon the statements of the open anonymous Ümit Akbıyık has increased to 143. After the detention of 128 people on April 25, for whom the arrest warrant was issued, 15 more people were detained in the ongoing detention operation, bringing the number of those detained to 143. While a 24-hour lawyer restriction ban was imposed on those newly detained, the referral of those detained on April 25 to the courthouse continued today as well. Arrest warrants were issued for 10 of those who were referred to the courthouse in the morning, while 12 people were released with judicial control measures. The number of arrested people increased to 38 with the arrest of 10 people, and with the release of 13 people, the number of those released increased to 44.
Halise Aksoy and her daughter Mizgin Karataş, Fikri Ay, Hilal Ada, Mehmet Yalçın, Mehmet Andok Bayram, Agit Kaysı, Alattin, whose bones of her son Agit İpek, who was sent to Diyarbakır Criminal Court of Peace with a request for arrest after the prosecution's statements, were sent to her by cargo caused public condemnations. It was decided to arrest Zuğurli, Faris Türk, Evin Doster and Nurettin Minister on charges of "being a member of a terrorist organization".