Number of those arrested increased to 28

  • actual
  • 13:28 28 April 2023
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DİYARBAKİR - While the number of those detained in the Diyarbekir-based operation increased to 28, 31 people were released.
Of the 216 people, including journalists, politicians, lawyers and artists, who were detained in Diyarbekir on March 25 in 21 provinces, 28 of 128 people were arrested and 31 people were released.
Following the arrest of Mesopotamia Agency (MA) Editor Abdurrahman Gök, JINNEWS Correspondent Beritan Canözer, and journalists Mehmet Şah Oruç and Remzi Akkaya, who were referred to the Criminal Judgeship of Peace with an arrest request yesterday, on charges of "being a member of a terrorist organization", in the operation launched in line with the statements of public anonymous Ümit Akbıyık. A total of 28 people were arrested, who were transferred to the Criminal Judgeship of Peace during the night.
Devrim Roni Atik, Kadir Şenci, Berfin Can, Muhsin Acar, Osman Demir, Rumet Cetin, Mehdi Kaya, Cotkar Amara Yürek, Hamza Cihangir, Hasret Yelboğa, Suat Arda Işık, Şahin Biçimli, Hakim Kaya, Mikail Barut, who were referred to the Criminal Judgeship of Peace, Tacettin Araz, Nurullah Özgün, Abdulbari Mavlay, Ferit Aktepe, Şervan Doğan, Cesur Yılmaz and Süleyman Ulucan were arrested on charges of "being member of a terrorist organization".
Serhat Hezer, Burhan Arta and Özüm Vurgun, among the detained lawyers, were referred to the Criminal Judgeship of Peace with the request of arrest, after their statements to the prosecutor's office. The Criminal Judgeship of Peace has issued an arrest warrant for lawyers Hezer, Arta and Vurgun for "being a member of a terrorist organization".
Mustafa Şenci, Bünyamin Şeker, Berdan Acun, Halise Dakalı, Kenan Ayğay and Fırat Taşkın, who were sent to the court yesterday morning after the release of lawyers, Eylül Özgültekin, Gurbet Özbey Öner and Jiyan Sametoğlu, with a judicial control measure, were taken to the court in the evening, were released on judicial precautionary control.
Artists Elvan Koçer, Şahperi Alphan Bayhan, who was released with a judicial control measure in the morning, Ramazan Kaval, Talip Turan, director of the 78's Association Abdulgani Alkan, Avaşin Yanar, Tarık Aydemir, Müslüm Şahinsoy, Süleyman Avcı, Havva Gençoğlu, Mehmet Menge, Zeynep Demir, Seyit Özbaş and another person named Çekdar, whose surname could not be learned, were also released with a ban on abroad and a judicial control measure.
Xwebûn newspaper's licensee Kadir Esen and Devrim Demir, Mehmet Yalçın, Hüsamettin Kılıç, who were referred to the court with a judicial control measure after their statements by the prosecutor's office at night, were released with a travel ban. Theater artists Özcan Ateş, Yavuz Akkuzu, Sadrettin İnal and Hamdusena Özbey were also released in the police station.
While the number of people who were released together with those who were released during the night was 31, it is expected that those detained today will be referred to the courthouse.