Number of people arrested in Diyarbakır increased

  • actual
  • 08:38 28 April 2023
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DİYARBAKIR- The number of those detained during the Diyarbakır-based operation rose to 24.
Among the 128 people detained in Diyarbakır-based 21 provinces, 216 people, including journalists, politicians, lawyers and artists, for whom arrest warrants were issued, 24 people were arrested and 18 people were released.
Following the arrest of journalists Mehmetşah Oruç, Beritan Canözer, Abdurrahman Gök and Remzi Akkaya, who were referred to the Criminal Judgeship of Peace with a request for detention today, in the operation launched in line with the statements of the open anonymous Ümit Akbıyık, 8 more people were detained after the prosecution statements, were referred to the Criminal Court.
Devrim Roni Atik, Kadir Şenci, Berfin Can, Muhsin Acar, Osman Demir, Rumet Çetin, Mehdi Kaya, Cotkar Amara Yürek, who were referred to the Criminal Judgeship of Peace with a request for arrest, were arrested on charges of "being a member of a terrorist organization". The number of arrests increased to 24 after Hamza Cihangir, Hasret Yelboğa, Suat Arda Işık, Şahin biçimli, Hakim Kaya, Mikail Barut, Tacettin Araz, Nurullah Özgün, Abdulbahri Maviay, Ferit Aktepe, Şervan Doğan and Cesur Yılmaz were arrested on charges of "being a member of a terrorist organization". 
After the release of lawyers Eylül Özgültekin Gurbet Özbey Öner and Jiyan Sametoğlu by the Criminal Judgeship of Peace with a judicial control measure, lawyer Mustafa Şenci was released with a judicial measure control of the ban on abroad. Lawyers Özüm Vurgun and Serhat Hezer were referred to the Criminal Court of Peace with a request for arrest, while lawyers Bünyamin Şeker, Berdan Acun and Halise Dakalı were also released.
Artists Elvan Koçer, Şahperi Alphan Bayhan, Ramazan Kaval, Talip Turan, director of the 78's Association Abdulgani Alkan, Avaşin Yanar, Tarık Adanır, Talip Turan, Muslim Şahinsoy, Süleyman Avcı, Havva Canaoğlu, Zeynep Demir and Seyit Üzbaş were also released with a foreign judicial control measure. Licensee of Xwebûn newspaper Kadir Esen, Özcan Ateş, Yavuz Akkuzu, Devrim Demir, Hamdusena Özbey, Mehmet Yalçın, Hüsamettin Kılıç are among those were released.