Women from Kurdistan: We will win

  • actual
  • 11:09 26 April 2023
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ŞIRNAK - Stating that they are the pioneers of the process, Women from Kurdistan said: "Young people, women want freedom. Our hope is Mr. Abdullah Öcalan, our hope is women, we will win."
The Greens and the Left Future Party (Green Left Party) continue their work at full speed. The Green Left Party, which opened 11 election liaison offices in Sirnex and its districts, gave the start of women's rallies in Silopiya (Silopi) district on April 24. Women from Botan stated that they shoulder the burden of this process and emphasized that women will ensure the freedom of society.
Expressing that she will vote for the Green Left Party to establish a new life, Fatma Acar (50) said: “We are in the fields today to establish a brotherly life. As women, we have expectations from this election. We have hope and we will be the winners in this election. This tree, planted by Mr. Öcalan 40 years ago, is now growing everywhere. Our hope is that Mr. Öcalan will be freed as soon as possible. We hope that the prison gates will open. Young people, women now want freedom. Our hope is Mr. Öcalan, young people and women."
Stating that women were shouting for freedom, Hezni Pişkin (45) said: “The 40 years of struggle and rights of the Kurds will not be left on the ground. We will vote for our party for the freedom of Mr. Öcalan and all political prisoners, for women not to be massacred anymore. The Kurds, who have so far voted for other parties, should also go back this way and vote for their own party and not betray anymore.”
Drawing attention to the importance of the unity of the Kurds, Taybet Hin called on all women to unite around the Green Left Party and said: "The time has come for the Kurds to join hands and win. We want the four parts of Kurdistan to be united. We will win in this election with our language, culture, history and existence." 
Expressing that women should vote for the Green Left Party against violence, the plunder of nature and massacres of women, Medya Hezer said: "We no longer want massacres of women and the plunder of our nature. We want a parliament where women speak and women MPs are in the majority. We are here to show solidarity with women. and as women, we will change.”
Stating that women are leading a new life, Şerife Şaman said: "We want this year to be the year of women's victory. I hope peace will prevail in the world and all the prisoners who are unjustly imprisoned will be freed. There are women and women say freedom now."
Noting that every woman should be included in this election with her identity, language and color and vote, Gülbahar Aslan said: “Our most important issue is our language. Our mother tongue is not a political issue. But unfortunately there is a serious attack against our language. They have made our demand for our mother tongue a political issue. We call the Green Left Party to protect our language, history and culture."
Stating that the Green Left Party represents women and that they would not vote for any other party other than her, Kadriye Erden said: "Women will continue their struggle until the demand for peace and freedom is realized and called for women to fight together."