Provocation warning from KCK

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  • 09:22 20 April 2023
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NEWS CENTER - After the murder of Hüseyin Türeli in Duhok, KCK warned against possible provocations by the Turkish state during the election period.
The body of Hüseyin Türeli, who immigrated to the Federated Kurdistan Region due to his lawsuits in Turkey and was murdered as a result of an armed attack at the Family Mall Shopping Center in Duhok on April 17, was buried in the Asri Cemetery in the city center of Êlih, where he was brought yesterday. In the statement of the KCK Foreign Relations Committee, published by the Fırat News Agency (ANF), it was stated that the murders in the Federated Kurdistan Region should be drawn attention and caution should be exercised against the provocations of the AKP-MHP regime during the election process.
In the statement, which stated that an election process that is very important for the future of the peoples of Turkey has entered the final stage, it was made an awareness call that there is a short time left for the May 14 elections, which is an important turning point in the future of the country and the region, while the Turkish public opinion is against the possible provocations of the regional and international forces, the Turkish state and the mafia-terrorist government. 
Reminding the attack on Sulaymaniyah International Airport, the statement said: "The main issue is the discomfort felt by the joint struggle of the PUK, SDF and International Coalition forces against ISIS. It is the politics and administration of the KDP that paves the way for the fascist mentality led by the Erdoğan-Bahceli clique to put forward the arguments in question.
In the statement, which also drew attention to the attacks in Sulaymaniyah, the following statements were used: "In all the attacks in Sulaymaniyah, the hitmen came from Hewler and went back to Hewler. In all these attacks, the cooperation and partnership of MIT-PARAST has been proven with documents every time. The cities of Hewler and Duhok have become the headquarters of the MIT. The latest example of this complicity is the murder of a Northern Kurdistan patriot named Hüseyin Türeli in the city center of Duhok on April 17. Hüseyin Türeli is a Kurdish patriot who fled for nearly ten years, settled in Southern Kurdistan and worked as a tradesman because he wanted to be arrested by the fascist Turkish Republic. The public is wondering how the KDP, which justified the attacks in Sulaymaniyah with our movement, will explain this murder, and the answer that will make the cities it is in power into a shelter for Kurdish killers.”
The mafia-terrorist government of the fascist, colonialist state, which is in a deadlock in every aspect and trembling with the fear of defeat and loss, is in Iraq, Syria, Rojava and Southern Kurdistan to destabilize the region and bring our movement and regional dynamics against each other. We know that he wants to make explosions, attacks and assassinations and destroy our movement. In this framework, especially Iraqi and Southern Kurdistan officials and people should be sensitive to the tricks of the Turkish mafia-terrorist government. We invite the other powers of the region, especially the Iraqi government and the Southern political circles and authorities, and international forces to take responsibility in this regard and to take pre-emptive measures."