60 million 697 thousand 843 people will vote

  • actual
  • 15:06 17 April 2023
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NEWS CENTER - YSK Chairperson Ahmet Yener announced that the number of voters who will vote on May 14 is 60 million 697 thousand 843.
Chairperson of the Supreme Board of Elections (YSK), Ahmet Yener, made a statement regarding the number of voters who will vote on May 14. Yener's statement is as follows: "We are announcing the number of domestic and international voters. There are 60 million 697 thousand 843 domestic voters, 30 million 710 thousand 790 of which are women and 29 million 897 thousand 53 men. The number of voters who will vote for the first time is 4 million 904 and 47 thousand 523 voters will vote for the first time on May 28, if the Presidential elections are held in the second round, on May 28. The number of orthopedically and visually impaired voters in the country is 989 thousand 543, and the number of voters aged 75 and over is 3 million 180 thousand 802. A total of 191,884 ballot boxes will be established in 973 districts and 1094 district election boards. Mobile ballot boxes will be established in 421 districts and the number of voters who will cast their votes in mobile ballot boxes is 6,215."
Yener announced that approximately 133 thousand voters from the earthquake zone have been registered to other provinces.