May 14 elections: Young people are ready for change

ISTANBUL - Stating that they want to live without worrying about the future, the young people stated that the AKP-MHP government is at the root of their problems and pointed to the May 14 elections for change.
While there are only a few days left for the May 14 elections in Turkey, political parties and alliances have begun to announce their promises to the voters. Young people, who are among the most ignored groups during the 21-year AKP rule, are waiting for the day when the ballot boxes will be established. 13 million of the 62.4 million voters who will vote in the 2023 elections are young voters. 6 million of the 13 million voters will vote for the first time. Young people talked about their expectations from the elections.
Underlining that change can only happen with the youth, Damla Yiğit said, “If we young people come together, we will change the country. Together, we will win this fight."
Stating that the AKP-MHP government should be overturned. Dicle Naz Yaman emphasized that the youth should be given a word. Yaman said: "We will save the future, we are the next generation. We are psychologically worried about the future. I see the solution in giving young people the right to speak."
Hasan Basri Berker, on the other hand, stated that one of the biggest factors underlying his anxiety about the future is the education system. Berker said: "The only reason for this situation is the government. We are faced with a government that deepens inequality in all areas of life. As inequality increases in Turkey, such an education problem will increase. If politicians who see the demands of the people in this country and can respond to their demands are elected, the problems of the country will be solved."