7 villagers who protected their lands detained

  • actual
  • 09:12 30 March 2023
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URFA- While 7 people from the villagers who protested the closing of 11,000 decares of land in Viranşer were detained, the villagers were tortured in the police station.
7 citizens were detained in Düzük hamlet in the rural Kadıköy District of Weranşer district of Urfa. According to the information received, Kalyoncu Company came to the village with construction equipment to install solar panels on 11 thousand decares of land in the rural neighborhood. The residents of the neighborhood, who are engaged in both animal husbandry and agriculture in the region, protested the desire to close 11 thousand acres of land. Thereupon, the Gendarmerie who came to the scene intervened with the villagers. The Gendarmerie, which intervened with the citizens with pepper gas, tried to disperse the citizens by shooting in the air.
As the tension subsided with the withdrawal of construction equipment, this time the Gendarmerie started to make detentions in the neighborhood. 7 people, including Sıddık Ayyıldız, Emin Ayyıldız, İsmail Taşkın, Nedim Taşkın, Mehmet Taşkın, Aydın Taşkın and Naif Taşkın, have been taken into custody during the detentions that started in the evening. According to the information given by the locals, the Gendarmerie has made a list of 47 people and continues to search for those whose names are on the list.
It was learned that 7 prisoners were held in Demirci Gendarmerie Station and the villagers were tortured.