Soldier cuts trees and breaks doors of houses

  • actual
  • 16:20 26 March 2023
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HAKKARİ - It was stated that in the villages and hamlets of Yüksekova, where the blockade continues, soldiers broke down the doors of the houses and cut down the fruit trees of the villagers.
The military operation launched by the soldiers of Yüksekova District Gendarmerie Command on March 3 continues in many villages and hamlets of Bajêrge (Esendere) town of Yüksekova district of Hakkari. The military operations launched in Şîşemzîn, Xurekan'a Seyida, Xurekan'a Temo villages and Astenga Reş area of Bajêrge District have also spread to Dirbêsan and Dotkan villages. While the village of Qesran was besieged by the soldiers, it was recorded that the soldiers held on the Rojhilat border were also sent to the region. The people of the region are being victimized in the military operations that started in Qesran and spread to 6 more villages.
According to information from the village of Qesran, which has been declared a "special security zone" for 7 years, armored military vehicles are waiting in front of the houses. It was stated that the soldiers set up photo traps in the areas of Mêvan Ava, Dola Gota and Çiyayê Kotol. The military operations launched in the village of Qesran, respectively, spread to the villages of Şahê, Zêwe, Kawle Gund, Pagenk, Merdêsal and Êlê and many hamlets.
It was stated that in the village of Êlê, which was declared as a special security zone on March 17 and where only 4 families live, the soldiers broke the doors and windows of many houses and searched the houses. It was also stated that armored vehicles were placed around the villages of Êlê, Pagenk and Kawle Gund, where the military operation was intensified, and that the soldiers set up tents on the pastures. It was stated that an old Armenian church in Êlê was turned into a military watchtower.
On the other hand, it was recorded that the soldiers cut down and burned walnut and apple trees belonging to the villagers in Kawle Gund, Pagenk and Êlê villages. It was stated that a villager, who tried to watch the soldiers cutting trees and breaking the doors of the houses with his mobile phone, confiscated his phone.