Call to the UN for Afrin: Remove Turkey from the region

  • actual
  • 17:04 24 March 2023
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NEWS CENTER - TEV-DEM condemned the massacre of 4 Kurds in Afrin and called on the UN and international organizations to remove Turkey from the region.

The Democratic Society Movement (TEV-DEM) made a statement regarding the massacre perpetrated against a family in Afrin's Cindirêsê district, which is under the control of Turkey and its affiliated paramilitary groups.

In the statement, “Occupied Afrin is going through inhumane events and disasters, together with the Turkish state and its mercenaries, which create great danger. The occupying Turkish state is responsible for all inhumane crimes and dangerous situations in Afrin. We call on the UN, humanitarian and legal organizations to intervene immediately and fulfill their humanitarian and moral responsibilities towards the people of Afrin. On the other hand, we call for the Turkish state and its mercenaries to expel them from Afrin and other parts of Syria.