Labor and Freedom Alliance does not nominate a presidential candidate

  • actual
  • 12:30 22 March 2023
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ANKARA - Labor and Freedom Alliance stated that they will not nominate candidates in the Presidential elections, they will fulfill their historical responsibilities against the one-man regime and hold them accountable.
The Labor and Freedom Alliance announced its stance on the Presidential elections at a press conference at the World Trade Center. Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) Co-Chairs Pervin Buldan and Mithat Sancar, Green Left Party Co-Spokesperson İbrahim Akın, Labor and Freedom Alliance components EMEP Chairperson Ercüment Akdeniz, TİP Chairperson Erkan Baş, EHP Hakan Öztürk, SMF Spokesperson Barış Kayaoğlu, TÖP Juliana Gözen, Human and Freedom Party Chairperson Mehmet Kamaç, who took part in the Kurdistan Alliance Work that also included HDP and Mehmet Emin Kardas, Chairperson of the Kurdistan Democratic Party-Turkey (KDP-T) joined the meeting.
The joint statement of the Labor and Freedom Alliance was made by HDP Co-Chair Pervin Buldan. The joint declaration of the Labor and Freedom Alliance on the Presidential stance is as follows:
We had a discussion for a long time, we had declared before the earthquake that we would nominate our candidate, but after the changing conditions, we reviewed our decision in the discussions we had with our alliances and boards. Today, we share our decision and stance with the public.
Less than two months are left for one of the most critical elections in Turkey's history. We are passing through a historical moment that will determine the future of the country and society. On the threshold of the second century of the republic, the 13th President of the country will be elected and the parliament will be reconstituted.
The Labor and Freedom Alliance is the spokesperson for the demands of the working people and all the oppressed. It is the power of democratic change and the will to build. It is the sole representative and guarantor of the rights of our peoples. It is the address of the struggle against the plunder of nature. It is the assurance of the free life of young people. It is the key to Turkey's future meeting with democracy.
As the Labor and Freedom Alliance, we will establish a women's libertarian life. We will never allow women to be ignored. We are the guarantee of tomorrow where women will be equal and free in all areas of life. We are the strongest advocates for women to be subjects in politics with the principle of equal representation. Our alliance will re-enforce the Istanbul Convention and will fight with all its might to secure all the gains of women constitutionally. And we are determined to reach the days when the democratic sovereignty of the peoples of Turkey is established, with our decades of struggle, experience and foresight.
We will fulfill our historical responsibility towards the one-man rule in the presidential elections. We are determined to hold accountable those responsible for the great destruction from this government, which has maintained an administration based on poverty, corruption, plunder and rent, for the realization of democracy, fundamental rights and freedoms, and social justice in the country. We are determined to call the government to account.
For these reasons, we declare with the public that we will not nominate candidates in the Presidential elections, and we share this decision. A political system in which the improvement of the working and living conditions of the people, the provision of justice in public administration, gender equality, respect for nature, a free life for young people, a peaceful foreign policy, an impartial and independent judiciary, emancipated identities, and most importantly, a democratic constitution that includes all these. Building the climate is our immediate goal and reason for struggle."