Resistance and anger of people in the Newroz of Ankara

  • actual
  • 20:17 19 March 2023
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ANKARA- The mass that brought their resistance and anger to the Newroz area in Anıtpark, emphasized the isolation, the earthquake and the May 14 election, and stated that they insisted on overturning the AKP-MHP government.

2023 Newroz, dedicated to those who lost their lives in the earthquake that took place in Maraş in Ankara on February 6, was held with the program held in Ankara Anıtpark, "Everywhere is Newroz, everytime is freedom". Newroz events to be held in many cities are held under the leadership of the Democratic Society Congress (DTK), Peoples' Democratic Congress (HDK), Tevgera Jinên Azad (TJA), Democratic Regions Party (DBP), Democratic Party of Rights (HDP) and Green Left Party. In addition to dedicating Newroz to those who lost their lives in the earthquake, the isolation against PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan, the pressure on peoples, violence and the policies of the government were emphasized.


At Newroz held in Ankara Anıtpark, banners reading "We will wreck capitalism with the spirit of Newroz" and "We will lift the isolation and defeat fascism with the spirit of those who become Newroz with their bodies" were unfurled. While slogans such as "Happy Newroz", "Long live the brotherhood of peoples", "Jin, jiyan, azadi", "the murderer state will be held accountable" were shouted, the banners brought to commemorate the 40th commemoration of the Maraş-centered earthquake were not taken to the area. The banners read: "The disaster is not an earthquake, but murder" and "Government should resign".

A minute's silence was held in memory of all those who lost their lives in the person of Kemal Kurkut, who were killed in Amed Newroz, and then the program was started. On behalf of the forces of Labor and Democracy, the joint text was read by Hüseyin Gökoğlu. Then, Revolutionary Party Chairperson Elif Torun Öneren, who lost her daughter Eylem Şafak Aydın due to negligence in the earthquake and was removed from the wreckage days later, took the floor.


Öneren made his speech as following: "I came armed with the anger of millions. We met in the Newroz areas today to turn anger into rebellion. We say that the word ends, but this is where the real word and the struggle begin. Today, we bring the struggle of the working class together with the freedom of the Kurdish people. We suppress our anger in our hearts, we will light this fire of rebellion today. More importantly, when we look at the Dehaks of our time, we see the massacre in Maraş, Suruç and Gar. They could not and will never finish us with these massacres. On February 6, they presented the incarnation of the poison of the cruel Dehak. They left the rings to die in plain sight for 3 days. They told us to like death from death. Our bodies remained under the rubble, but their consciences remained under the rubble. It was the socialists, the revolutionaries who came to our aid while the state was leaving the people to die.”


A greeting was sent to all the prisoners in the person of Sebahat Tuncel, Leyla Güven, Gültan Kışanak, Ayla Akat Ata, Figen Yüksekdağ, Selahattin Demirtaş, Keskin Bayındır, İdris Baluken and Selçuk Mızraklı, who were imprisoned, in the Newroz area.


Then HDP Elih MP Necdet İpekyüz made a speech. Emphasizing the isolation policies, İpekyüz spoke about the destruction caused by the earthquake. İpekyüz focused upon the negligence and said: “Only one governor should resign. All of you should have resigned, on May 14 the people will display their will. Death, earthquake and flood are not destiny. Their only concern is to maintain their power. All they have is war, rent, oppression and violence. A letter was read at the 2013 Amed Newroz from Mr. Öcalan. The war will stop. 10 years have passed and what has the government done? It deepened the war and the isolation."


Condemning the fact that the earthquake banners were not taken to the area, İpekyüz said: “They could not face it. Nobody should say goodbye to us. You can never say goodbye to a truth that you cannot face. They have always faced those who resisted to suppress the rebellion from Kawa, so that no one could let the banners inscribed on the massacre inside. They lost, those who resisted grew. Those who resisted gave way, the day is the day of solidarity. If we want to build the future with hope, we will build the future together on May 14, shoulder to shoulder, as if dancing the halay."