Labor and Freedom Alliance will enter the election under the same alliance

  • actual
  • 23:13 16 March 2023
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ANKARA - Labor and Freedom Alliance decided to enter the elections under the same alliance and made a statement that "the way and methods that will protect and develop the gains of all the powers that are the components of the alliance, especially the HDP".

The meeting, which started at 11:00, hosted by the Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) of the Labor and Freedom Alliance, ended 7 hours later. After the meeting, the final declaration was published. It was stated that the agendas of Maraş-centered earthquakes, flood disasters, deepening crises, Presidential and General Elections were discussed at the meeting.

The declaration, which states that March 16 is the anniversary of the Halabja and Beyazıt massacres, said: "We are working with all our might to build an order where such massacres will not happen again, where the culture of confrontation will become established and real justice will be established in all areas."

Emphasizing that the government threatens the people, the declaration said: “The government's policies based on the enemy of the people, rent and plunder threaten the present and the future of society by causing crises. The destruction, loss of life and property in the Maraş, Pazarcık-centered earthquakes of February 6 and the floods in the center of Urfa and Adıyaman on March 15 were the most obvious and tragic indicators of these policies. We absolutely refuse to consider the disaster as a 'natural disaster or destiny plan', and to try to be taken for granted and forgotten under the name of normalization. As the Labor and Freedom Alliance, we are committed to changing this government, which is hostile to the people and nature, and the order that paved the way for disasters, to hold those responsible accountable, and to build a new life worthy of human dignity.


The statement continued: “We are on the eve of an election that will change Turkey's destiny. With the awareness of our historical and political responsibility that will turn the expectations of the society into hope and build a democratic and free future;

* A will has emerged to expand the process that we started as a struggle alliance into an electoral alliance. It was decided to enter the election as the Labor and Freedom Alliance. Technical studies will be based on the ways and methods that will protect and develop the gains of all the powers that are the components of the alliance, especially the HDP.


* We had a wide-ranging discussion about the presidential election, which is one of our agenda topics. After the earthquake, we decided to reevaluate the presidential candidate selection process. We have decided to share our common stance, which emerged as a result of the discussion we had today, with the public at a press conference as soon as possible.