Demonstration: According to which law is the Imrali isolation implemented?

  • actual
  • 16:40 1 February 2023
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ANKARA - Stating that there is an unprecedented isolation on the island of Imrali in the world, HDP MP Sait Dede said: "According to which law is this isolation implemented?" 
The Justice Watch, which was initiated by the Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) deputies to allow PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan to meet with his lawyers, has left its first month behind. MPs Kemal Peköz, Muazzez Orhan, Şevin Coşkun, Feleknas Uca, Ömer Öcalan, Abdullah Koç, Kemal Bülbül, Erol Katırcıoğlu, Serpil Kemalbay, Feleknas Uca, Sait Dede, Murat Çepni, Ayşe Sürücü and Nuran Imir, Gülistan Kılıç Koçyiğit on the 30th of the watch made a statement in front of the parliament.
Reiterating his warnings to the AKP-MHP government to abide by the law for a month, HDP Hakkari MP Sait Dede said: “In every word they say that Turkey is a state of law, in every word they say that Turkey is governed by laws, but the government and the Ministry of Justice, which has the duty to implement the laws, unfortunately, this is not the case does not implement the law. If the laws are not enforced, how will the rights of citizens be protected?” 
Stating that not everyone is in an equal position before the law in Turkey, Dede said: "If the law is for everyone, why is there an unprecedented isolation on Imrali Island? According to which law is this isolation implemented?