15 zones declared 'temporary security' zone in Şırnak

  • actual
  • 09:53 28 December 2022
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ŞIRNAK-15 regions in Şırnak and its five districts have been declared "temporary security" regions by the Governor's Office.
In the statement made by the Governorship of Şırnak on its image website, many regions within the borders of Şırnak center and Cizre, Silopi, Beytüşşebap, Uludere and Güçlükonak security zone was declared.
Among the regions that have been declared forbidden are the Besta region, where tree cutting has continued for two years, and the Gabar and Cudi Mountains.
The statement made by the Şırnak Governor's Office is as follows: “Cudi Mountain Region, Bestler Dereler Region, Kurt Mountain Region, Kureşin Region, Karaçalı T. Region, Kel Mehmet D. Region, located within the borders of Şırnak Province Center, Cizre, Silopi, Uludere, Güçlükonak, Beytüşşebap districts, Serin V. Region, 2088 Rk T. Region, Küçük Su Y. Region, Gabar Mountain Region, Faraşin Y. Region, Altın Dağ Region, İncebel Mountain Region, Oymakaya Region, Tanin Tanin Region, citizens who are considered to be able to go to the aforementioned regions, "Temporary Special Security Zone" has been declared between January 01 (Included) - January 15 (Included) 2023 in order to prevent them from being harmed by illegal elements and the measures to be taken against them.