21 proposals for women in custody from 21 women

  • actual
  • 15:50 2 December 2022
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ANKARA - 21 women MPs from HDP brought the torture and ill-treatment of women detained within the scope of the Ankara-based investigation to the agenda of the Parliament with 21 motions.
Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) women MPs brought the detention of 18 women in the house raids in Amed, Istanbul, Izmir, Muş, Ağrı, Gaziantep and Siirt on the parliamentary agenda on November 29 as part of the investigation carried out by the Ankara Chief Public Prosecutor's Office. The women MPs, who submitted 21 motions to the Minister of Interior Süleyman Soylu, emphasized that the detained Free Women's Movement (Tevgera Jinên Azad-TJA) activists are fighting against male-state violence in every field.
In the proposals, the following questions were asked with the request of Interior Minister Süleyman Soylu to answer:
“*Is it within your knowledge that physical, psychological and verbal violence was applied to women who were detained from different provinces and brought to Ankara within the scope of the investigation carried out by the Ankara Chief Public Prosecutor's Office on November 29, 2022? Are the attitudes and behaviors of the law enforcement towards women determined by your Ministry?
* Will your Ministry open an investigation about the violence of the police, which is a crime, shared by the detained women through their lawyers?
* What is the legal basis for making false statements by the law enforcement in Ankara Anti-Terrorism Branch, telling that lawyers have arrived, and then interviewing the women in custody under the name of chat?
* Is it the order of your ministry to pluck the hair of Figen Ekti, who was detained in Diyarbakır on November 29 and brought to Ankara? Did your Ministry give the order that the law enforcement that abused Ekti and tortured Ekti should continue their duty in Ankara?
* What is the purpose of keeping women detained in Diyarbakır and brought to Ankara by law enforcement vehicle for a long period of 9 hours without food or water before they set off? In this case, what will your Ministry do about the compensation of the damage and violation?
* Will your Ministry open an investigation about the ill-treatment of women with cancer and vertigo despite the presence of a doctor's report?
* What is the legal basis of the 'detail search' applied in detention centers and the Police Department? Are you aware of the 'detail search' of the Ankara Police Department for women who have been in law enforcement vehicles for hours? “
The parliamentarians who submitted the motion are as follows: “Meral Danış Beştaş, Ayşe Acar Başaran, Ayşe Sürücü, Dersim Dağ, Dilan Dirayet Taşdemir, Dilşat Canbaz Kaya, Ebru Günay, Fatma Kurtulan, Feleknas Uca, Filiz Kerestecioğlu, Gülistan Kılıç Koçyiğit, Hüda Kaya, Muazzez Orhan, Nuran İmir, Oya Ersoy, Pero Dundar, Remziye Tosun, Serpil Kemalbay, Şevin Coşkun, Tülay Hatimoğulları, Züleyha Gülüm.”