KON-MED: The line of struggle against war crimes must be built

  • actual
  • 15:14 18 November 2022
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KON-MED: Savaş suçlarına karşı mücadele hattı örülmeli
NEWS CENTER - Criticizing Europe's silence in Turkey's use of chemical weapons, KON-MED Co-Chair Zübeyde Zümrüt said: "The line of struggle against war crimes of AKP should be built."
The European Democratic Kurdish Society Congress (KCDK-E) held a rally in Düsseldorf, Germany on November 12, with the participation of tens of thousands of people from all over Europe, against the use of chemical weapons in the attacks against Turkey's Zap, Metîna and Avaşîn regions. KCDK-E declared the date of the rally as the National Strike Day against Chemical Weapons. Turkey's chemical weapons attacks were protested in the rally, the silence of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), the United Nations (UN), NATO and the states parties was also protested. German Kurdistan Communities Confederation (KON-MED) Co-chair Zübeyde Zümrüt evaluated the messages given during the rally and Europe's silence against the use of chemical weapons.
Emphasizing that there are many documents and findings regarding the use of chemical weapons in Turkey's ongoing attacks in the Federated Kurdistan Region since April 2021, Zümrüt said: "Actually, there is a precedent for this. The use of chemical weapons is a war and crime against humanity. Although Europe has signed the conventions regarding the prohibition of it. It was used in Dersîm, Geliyê Tiyarê in the past. We have not forgotten Halabja. Today, its use in Zap, Metîna and Avaşîn means a new Kurdish genocide. The reaction of his friends to chemical weapons attacks is growing day by day.”
Emphasizing that the silence of Europe and related institutions continues despite the delivery of documents and findings on the use of chemical weapons, Zümrüt said: “This silence must be broken immediately and everyone should take action against this crime against humanity. The line of struggle against these war crimes of the AKP needs to be built because chemical weapons attacks are used against the Kurds, but all peoples have a responsibility to this."
Stating that Europe ignored Turkey's chemical weapons attacks, Zümrüt said: "They said that they don't have any data, on what basis are these objections made? The data is clear and clear in the previous and final images, but if they want to get concrete data, independent committees should go to the region and do research. This research is hindered by Europe on the one hand and the KDP on the other. Independent committees should conduct investigations there and announce the results to the public but when it comes to the Kurds, everyone plays ostrich.”