'Call to join March of Humanity Against Chemical Weapons'

  • actual
  • 13:45 28 October 2022
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ISTANBUL - Announcing that they will organise the "March of Humanity Against Chemical Weapons" in Taksim on November 6, HDK, HDP and BMG said: "We invite all our people and democracy forces to join our march."
Peoples' Democratic Congress (HDK), Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) and United Struggle Forces (BMG) made a statement at the HDP Istanbul provincial building regarding the "Humanity March Against Chemical Weapons" to be held in Taksim on 6 November. Speaking at the meeting attended by many people, HDP İzmir MP Serpil Kemalbay said that Turkey's attacks in Federated Kurdistan have continued uninterruptedly since 2021.
Stating that the images that emerged that the Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) used chemical weapons against PKK members in the latest attack, caused great indignation in the society, Kemalbay said:" 17 HPG members lost their lives with chemical weapons. The images that emerged show that Turkey has clearly acted in violation of the international conventions to which Turkey is a party, as well as the Geneva Convention. The AKP-MHP government rejects these accusations, accuses and targets respected scientists, politicians, intellectuals and journalists who ask about the images and want this dire situation to be investigated. We strongly emphasize that if such a situation does not exist or if the image and findings are distorted and false, what needs to be done is not to deny it, but to send independent delegations to the region."
Reminding that some independent delegations wanted to conduct investigations in the region after the chemical weapons attacks, but the KDP prevented these delegations, Kemalbay said: “The fact that the Kurdistan Regional Government does not allow it also causes justified anxiety and anger. The regional administration should ensure the safety of the delegations and allow inspections. No one should be complicit in this horrific war and crime against humanity. UN, WHO, EU responsible institutions and organisations, especially OPCW, need to take action. Otherwise, it will increase the anxiety of the people of the region and open the door to bigger massacres. The day is not the day to be silent, the day is the struggle day, it is the day to defend humanity and raise a voice against war. We call on all institutions, structures, political parties, non-governmental organisations, our people and every conscientious citizen who are in favor of life, not death, to take action. On this basis, we will hold the march of peace against war, life against death in Taksim on November 6th. We invite all of our people and democracy forces to join this rightful march. The only thing that society wants is for the truth to be revealed. We will never be complicit in this crime by remaining silent. We express with great determination that we will continue to raise our voices and seek the truth until the truth is revealed.”
Stating that after the release of images showing the use of chemical weapons, Turkish state almost made an effort to cover up a crime, HDK Co-Spokesperson Cengiz Çiçek said:"They saw this practical step in the case of TTB President Şebnem Korur Fincancı, who made statements regarding the allegations of chemical weapons and was then arrested after being hastily detained. The state punished everyone who made a statement regarding the allegations of chemical weapons in a fascist manner. The AKP and MHP bloc, which are trying to liquidate the organised struggle of the Kurds everywhere, are trying to take over not only the Kurds, but all the peoples and their struggle. We invited everyone to join the rally to be held on November 6, by inviting everyone to fight against the AKP and MHP government."