Asked for the autopsy report of HPG members who lost their lives in chemical attacks

  • actual
  • 13:45 21 October 2022
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İSTANBUL - Stating that chemical weapons attacks are becoming increasingly taken for granted, Human rights defender Kiraz Biçici asked about the autopsy reports of HPG members who lost their lives.
Looking for a solution to the Kurdish question in "security" policies, Turkey used chemical weapons countless times from 1989 to 2022, on various dates and places, within the scope of the concept of war. Finally, Turkey could not make any progress in the comprehensive attacks launched on the Zap, Metina and Avaşîn regions of the Federated Kurdistan Region on April 17 in cooperation with the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP), it resorted to chemical weapons attacks against HPG members. According to the balance sheet announced by HPG, Turkey used chemical weapons 2,476 times in 6 months. In the last 3 months, 17 HPG and YJA-Star members lost their lives in Turkey's chemical weapons attacks. Condemnations against Turkey rose after the Fırat News Agency (ANF) published the images of two HPG members who lost their lives after being exposed to chemical weapons.
Kiraz, a human rights defender, was a member of the Human Rights Association (İHD) delegation that conducted an investigation at the scene of the attack in which 20 PKK members lost their lives as a result of chemical weapons in Bej Tepe, Elmalı village, in the Yedisu district of Bingöl, on 12 May 2001. Biçici evaluated Turkey's use of chemical weapons and the attitude of international institutions.
Saying that Turkey has used chemical weapons many times, Biçici said: "it was first used in 1938 in Dersim. The reason for Turkey's use of chemical weapons is 'denial and destruction'. We should remember the reports we published about chemical weapons in Bingöl. At that time, we were able to access the autopsy reports of PKK members who lost their lives as a result of chemical weapons, but this was not possible in the last period. For this reason, chemical weapons attacks are becoming increasingly taken for granted.  At that time, we had access to the reports. We even had autopsy reports and the results of the chemical weapons attack the guerrillas suffered at that time. Which of these do we have today? How can we reach them?"
Noting that Turkey has signed numerous international conventions, Biçici said: “Which one does Turkey implement? From torture, to prohibitions on freedom of expression, to violation of all the rules of the universal declaration of human rights, which one does it comply with? It needs an electoral war policy in domestic politics. The Turkish state needs turmoil, a fight, an internal conflict. For this, it will do all kinds of evil and apply all kinds of cruelty."  .