Chemical attack file submitted to AP: Send delegation

  • actual
  • 16:16 20 October 2022
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NEWS CENTER - The Kurds, who came together in front of the EP under the leadership of KCDK-E, protested the chemical weapons attacks and the silence of the international public and institutions. Despite the police attack, the file was submitted to the AP.
A protest was held in front of the European Parliament (EP) in Brussels, the capital of Belgium, against chemical weapons attacks against the guerrillas in the Zap and Avaşîn areas of the Federated Kurdistan Region of Turkey. In the action organised at the call of KCDK-E, the umbrella organisation of Kurdish community centers in Europe, white overalls and clothes were worn to draw attention to chemical weapons attacks. The Kurds and their friends gathered in Luxembourg Square in front of the European Parliament, condemning the silence of governments and international institutions in the face of chemical attacks, and urged them to take action.
The slogans of “Terrorist Erdoğan” and “Turkey bombs, NATO finances” were shounted in the demonstration, which had participation from many countries. In the demonstration, photographs of 17 HPG members who lost their lives in chemical attacks were moved.
The statement read in the demonstration said: “Now is the time for the OPCW to heed the call of the Kurdish people and international experts, including the IPPNW, and address the issue of the Turkish army's use of chemical weapons. The use of chemical weapons by Turkey and all OPCW member countries should be investigated, condemned and stopped immediately."
KCDK-E Co-Chair Yüksel Koç said:"The guerrilla's breath was cut off by the attacks. Guerrilla is the free future of the Kurdish people. Everyone should embrace this future. We condemned the international silence and the KDP, which prevented it from examining an expert supplement."
After the slogans were shouted for a while after the speeches, the activists marched to the European Parliament. Trying to prevent the protesters, the police attacked the crowd with pepper spray.
Despite the police attack, the tension between the crowd gathered in the square and the police continued. Tensions subsided when a delegation of three from the circled activists went to the European Parliament.
The file prepared by KCDK-E was submitted to the European Parliament. In the file, international institutions, especially the Council of Europe, were asked to take action to investigate and convict chemical weapons. The file requested that the OPCW send a delegation to the Federated Kurdistan Region to examine Turkey's attacks, just as it sent a delegation to Syria to investigate chemical attacks in Ghouta and Duma.