The defendant was protected in the murder of Poyraz, no interrogation was made

  • actual
  • 11:38 10 October 2022
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İZMİR - The 5th hearing of Deniz Poyraz, who was killed in the attack on the HDP İzmir provincial building, will be held on October 12. In the first 4 hearings, neither the witnesses nor the defendants could be properly questioned, and all the demands of the lawyers were rejected.
The 5th hearing of the case against Onur Gencer, who attacked the Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) İzmir Provincial Organisation building on June 17, 2021 and murdered Deniz Poyraz, will be held at the İzmir 6th High Criminal Court on October 12. While no progress could be made since the first hearing held on December 29, 2021, lawyers were able to ask questions to Onur Gencer at the 4th hearing. Although approximately 300 questions prepared by the lawyers of the case were directed to Gencer one by one, all questions were left unanswered. The silence of the court board to Gencer's aggressive attitude was effective in leaving Gencer's questions unanswered, while the witnesses heard in the courtroom gave contradictory statements.
While the demands of the lawyers, which started during the investigation phase, were also rejected during the trial phase, the petitions to reveal those who helped the murderer Gencer remained unanswered. Discussing how many lawyers will ask questions, the court board has still not given the samples of Gencer's digital materials to the lawyers. At the hearing to be held on October 12, the demands of the lawyers to deepen the investigation will continue. HDP MPs, human rights defenders, women's organisations, political party representatives, dozens of lawyers and hundreds of citizens are expected to come to the city for the hearing.
Türkan Aslan Ağaç, one of the lawyers of the Deniz Poyraz case, made evaluations about the hearing.
Stating that they have been making efforts to reveal the forces behind the murderer from the first day of the attack, Ağaç said:"The state did not answer our questions and so the attacks did not stop. If all the dimensions of the attack in İzmir were revealed, there would be no attack on HDP buildings in Marmaris, Bakırköy and Bingöl. Somehow, some people or groups in this country see the right to commit crimes. I think that the state does not deal with them enough. I see that the state does not carry out the legal struggle to catch the perpetrators and reveal the forces behind them, and the policy of impunity has now become a rule, especially in the attacks coming from within the structures embedded within the state, so the attackers took courage from the policy of impunity."
In the first 4 hearings of the case, Ağaç said:"They tried to reveal the material reality, and they persistently tend to make a limited trial with the accused at the trial stage, fulfill the procedural procedures and close the file, whatever the attitude in the investigation phase. The petitions I have submitted to the court are either postponed or rejected. We need to be in direct contact with that evidence. At the last hearing, I submitted a petition containing a video made by a journalist named Cevheri Güven. The allegations in those images should be investigated by the court. However, no steps have been taken. In this hearing, we will present our demands to the court that the prosecution should be carried out by deepening. We will not allow the file to be covered up."
Calling for the hearing, Ağaç said: “I invite all legal institutions, women's organisations and political parties to be sensitive to the clarification of this case and to follow this case with us. I am making this call for a fair Turkey. I believe that such social cases should be followed by society. It is important for the whole society to reveal the background of the political attack on the HDP İzmir building.”
MA / Tolga Güney