Semra Güzel: Opposition is also involved in this process

  • actual
  • 13:10 5 September 2022
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İSTANBUL - HDP MP Semra Güzel who said that Kurdish people are tried to be forced into submission since Seyid Rıza, said, "I must say that opposition was also involved in this process that lead to my unlawful arrest.'
The parliamentary immunity of Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) Diyarbakır MP Semra Güzel was lifted on March 1 with the joint votes of AKP, MHP, CHP and IYI Party after her photos with PKK member Volkan Bora were served and she was targeted by the pro-government media.
After her immunity was lifted, Ankara Chief Public Prosecutor's Office launched an investigation against Güzel. Güzel was detained in Istanbul on September 2 and arrested on September 3. It was seen that Güzel was taken to the police vehicle with her hands handcuffed from the back while police were trying to force her head down, pulling her hair. 
HDP Diyarbakır MP Semra Güzel answered the questions of Mesopotamia Agency (MA) regarding her arrest. 
Stating that the photos which with she was targeted were taken in 2014 and the gendermerie found those photos in 2017, Güzel told that no legal action was taken in those 5 years. Underlining that the photos were served to the pro-government media on January 9, Güzel said the lynching campaign against her started right after that. Güzel said: "There were no criminal elements in those photos. It was taken during the peace process. They aimed to attribute the qualification of 'membership of a terrorist organisation' with those photographs. It was merely a photo of two people in a close relationship."
Reminding that thousands of people visited the region during the peace process and journalists were wearing guerilla uniforms and their photos were taken as a souvenir, Güzel said: "No legal action was taken against any of them. I wasn't a member of the parliament back then. Nor was I a member of the HDP. They didn't take any action against me for 5 years. The reason this is happening now is the fact that there is an upcoming election and AKP is making moves for it. They will try to use these photos to close the HDP." Underlining that Bekir Bozdağ was the head of the Joint Commission when her immunity was lifted and he was promoted to the office of Minister of Justice after that, Güzel asked, "Considering the situation of this person who is in charge of the mechanism that will judge me, what can we expect from justice?"
Reminding that MPs from CHP and IYI Party also voted for the lifting of her immunity, Güzel said: "It was sort of an extrajudicial execution. Yes, the government and its partner were the main factor that started this process, but the opposition is also responsible and they were involved in the process of my arrest. They say they will bring back the parliamentary system every day. What do they mean by parliamentary system? The opposition, which criticizes the government and the legal system every day, handed over a member of the parliament, to the legal system they say they don't trust. This situation also reflects the opposition's perspective on the Kurdish issue and the parliamentary system.
Stating that the information shared by the pro-government media was not correct and she was not caught at the Edirne border wearing a wig, Güzel said: "The glasses I was wearing is the prescription glasses I always wear.I would have left the country in this last 9 months if I wanted to. Why would I wait this long? I don't think I committed a crime, therefore I did not felt the need to flee."
Stating that the police forced her head down for the pro-government media to take photos of her under custody, Güzel told that she was handcuffed from the back and she was subjected to psychological violence as well as physical violence. Güzel said she will file a criminal complaint against the doctor who did not process her complaints, calling for the Chamber of Medical Doctors to start an investigation against the doctor in question. 
Drawing attention to the fact that the police forced her head down with the instruction of the Minister of Interior for the press to take photos of her submission, Güzel said: "They are doing the same thing since Seyid Rıza. They are trying to force the Kurds into submission.  As a representative of the Kurdish people and a woman, I could not and did not let them force my head down."
Underlining that she believes that the Kurdish question can only be solved by dialogue, Güzel said: "We will continue the struggle until peace is achieved. Kurdish people will not bow down. I am calling on to bar associations, human rights associations, women's institutions, medical chambers: show your reaction and follow this unlawfulness closely."