Hesen Koçer from Autonomous Administration: We will resist with the people

NEWS CENTER - Northern and Eastern Syria Autonomous Administration Executive Council Co-Chair Hesen Koçer stated that they will resist Turkey's attacks together with the people and said, "We cannot lean on any state, our only goal is to expand this revolution."
Hesen Koçer, Co-Chair of the Northern and Eastern Syria Autonomous Administration Executive Council, answered Fırat News Agency's (ANF) questions about Turkey's attacks and threats. Koçer said: "The Turkish state has made every political, military and diplomatic effort to carry out its attacks on Northern and Eastern Syria."
Regarding the Turkish attack on the Zaxo city of Federated Kurdistan Region which lead to the deaths of 9 people, Koçer said: "The Zaxo massacre revealed the true face of the Turkish state. Turkey is a danger for the world."
Stating that Syria was torn apart by Turkey, Koçer said, "Just as there are now 66 military bases in Iraq, Turkey now wants to do the same in Syria. Turkey supports terrorism, Turkey torn apart Syria, Turkey stirred up Libya, Turkey created troubles in Iraq, Turkey supports and feeds terrorism. But there is not a single person who canraise their voices against it. It attacks everywhere under the name of fighting against terrorism. It has become a state of terror. The most dangerous thing in the world is not ISIS, it is the Turkish state. ISIS is now defeted. It is Turkish state's terrorism that represents the ISIS mentality.”
Koçer, who criticized the international public opinion that remained silent to the attacks carried out by Turkey, said, "We do not accept this. We will resist, we will step up our resistance even more. No one should assume we will not defend ourselves. We have to defend ourselves. Condemning the attack on QSD Commander Jiyan Tolhildan, Koçer told that all women were targeted in the person of Tolhildan.
Underlining that they will resist the attacks together with the people, Koçer said, “As Northern and Eastern Syria, we cannot lean on any state. We believe in the strength of our community and in our own strength. We cannot rely on foreigh forces. We have been through this. As the administration, we declared a state of emergency. Because we know, we have a big war ahead of us. This war will not be like any other war. We will have a stand in this war. It won't be like it used to be. The Turkish state should not think that it will be the same as before. For this reason, our society needs to take its own defensive measures."
Expressing that they will liberate the regions under Turkey's control, Koçer continued: "Whether there is a war or not, we will liberate these regions. We have always said that these areas are Syrian territory. Therefore, these areas need to be liberated. We made this revolution happen with the tears of our mothers. In this sense, our only goal will be to expand and develop this revolution. Our revolution is growing day by day and our belief that it will grow is endless."