'Operation' signal from Turkey

ANKARA - Presidential Spokesperson İbrahim Kalın said: "The operation can be carried out at any time," regarding Northern and Eastern Syria.
Presidential Spokesperson İbrahim Kalın made evaluations on the agenda in an interview with Bloomberg. Stating that the possible attack on Northern and Eastern Syria, Kalın said: “Our perspective in Syria is that the political negotiation process continues in the context of UN Resolution 2254 and the constitutional commission completes its work. Unfortunately, the developments on the field were in the opposite direction. In the Idlib region, we ensure the security of nearly 4 million people, while our fight against the terrorist threat continues. That's why our President said that a new military operation could happen at any time. We are not going to ask anyone's permission for this. We don't have to explain a calendar to anyone. But in the context of our assessment of our own security risks, such an operation could be done at any time."
Condemning CENTCOM's message of condolence to the commander of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), who lost his life in the Turkish attack, Kalın said: "I would like to express that we condemn this act in the strongest terms. This is something that will never be accepted in the context of the fight against terrorism and the NATO alliance."