Journalist Seyda: The cause of the crisis in Iraq is the KDP

NEWS CENTER - Evaluating the government crisis in Iraq and pointing out that the KDP has deepened the contradictions in the region, Journalist Kasım Seyda said: "The KDP is the cause of many crises in Iraq."
Although 9 months have passed since the early general elections held in Iraq on October 10, 2021, neither the government was formed nor the president could be elected. According to the unwritten agreement, the chairperson of the Parliament is chosen from Sunnis, the President from Kurds and the Prime Minister from Shiites. A similar agreement exists between the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) which is the largest party in the Federated Kurdistan Region and the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK). According to this agreement, the President of Iraq is determined by the PUK, and the Prime Minister of Federated Kurdistan is determined by the KDP.
After the elections held on October 10, Sunni candidate Mohammed Halbusi was appointed as the chairperson of the Iraqi Parliament. After the elections for the chairperson of parliament, the President of Iraq had to be elected. However, the President could not be elected because of the pressures of Turkey, Iran and the USA to be effective in Iraqi politics.
Since the President could not be elected, a party to form the government could not be appointed. The Sadr Movement, which won 73 MPs in the Iraqi Parliament consisting of 329 chairs, could not form a government despite all its efforts. Upon the call of the leader of the Sadr Movement, Es Sadr, who is known for his close relationship with Turkey, all MPs submitted their resignations to the Iraqi chairperson of Parliament. After the resignations were accepted, the Shiite Coordination Framework, which is close to Iran, started to work for a coalition to form a government. However, since there has been no reconciliation, the crisis in the country is still not resolved.
Journalist Kasım Seyda from the Federated Kurdistan Region made assessments about the government crisis in Iraq and its causes.
Stating that there has been a chaotic situation in Iraq for a long time and an election was held in the middle of it, Seyda said: “However, most of the voters did not go to the polls in this election. As a result of the election, the president could not be elected due to the contradictions between the parties. Despite all the attempts of the Sadr Movement, the presidential elections did not yield any results. In particular, the KDP made different efforts for its own interests and did its best to ensure that the newly elected president was not from the PUK. That's why KDP tried to establish relations with the Iraqi forces and try to come to an agreement. However, all attempts made at this point were in vain. Therefore, the government has not yet been formed. There is an economic, political and social crisis in the region right now and it is getting deeper."
Stating that everyone in the region, from all ages, is aware of the KDP's partnership with Turkey, Seyda said: "The KDP clearly shows this partnership with its statements. The reaction of the people against this attitude of the KDP is important. There are serious condemnations at this stage, but they are not sufficient. The pressure on the people is increasing day by day. The public has lost confidence not only in the KDP but also in other existing powers. There is a serious opposition against the governments in Iraq and Bashur. At this stage, the public can express their condemnation verbally. There may be different condemnations in the following processes.”
Stating that both the government and the opposition did not give hope to the people. Seyda said: “The opposition parties tried to improve the economic and political situation before, but then they acted like the ruling parties. They could not go beyond partnering with the government. Parties like Tevgera Azadi is also suppressed by the KDP. Citizens are prevented from organising around this party. Many young people who approached the party were arrested by the KDP public order. The KDP and the existing system are putting pressure on parties and institutions that set out to truly lead the people, and pressure them to prevent them from being  organised. KDP broke the agreement with the support of Turkey and wanted Iraqi President to act in line with him and he did this to take the region under his control as a result of his relations with Turkey. Most of the crisis in Iraq are caused by the KDP. It deepens the contradictions and differences in the region. It aims to expand its control over Iraq and Bashur to do the bidding of Turkey and therefore aims to destroy everyone who speaks against it."