Imprisoned journalist Karakaş: Treatments of ill prisoners prevented for last 10 months

ISTANBUL - Journalist İbrahim Karakaş, who is being held in Kürkçüler F Type Closed Prison, stated that ill prisoners have not been referred to the hospital for 10 months and said that there is a policy of killing political prisoners in prisons.
Violations of rights in prisons are getting worse day by day. Especially political prisoners are under administrative and political pressure. Journalist İbrahim Karakaş, who is being held in Adana Kürkçüler Type F Closed Prison, wrote about the violations of rights, arbitrary practices and pressures in a letter he sent.
Explaining that they were exposed to psychological and physical torture, Karakaş noted that their legal demands were rejected by the prison administration and their applications to the relevant institutions on the subject remained unanswered. Karakaş stated that this situation increased the arbitrary practices in the prison and that the isolation policy intensified and that all their demands as detainees were ignored by the Prison First Director and the prison prosecutor.
Karakaş stated that the requests of seriously ill prisoners with chronic and physical diseases in prison to be referred to hospital have long been prevented, since the prison administration imposed the "oral search" condition. Expressing that with this practice, prisoners have been deprived of their right to receive treatment, Karakaş said, "We have many chronic and physical illnesses, and we have not been able to benefit from our right for treatment for 10 months. They want to search inside our mouths and strip us from our dignity so we can not go to hospital even we have broken bones or fractures. Karakaş also underlined that their legal rights were also violated as well as their right to defense.
Stating that ill political prisoners are left for dead because they do not accept the dishonourable search inside their mouth, Karakaş told that the prisoners get sicker because of this practice. Karakaş underlined that the prison administration will be responsible from any harm coming to the prisoners.
Pointing out that all social activities were banned with the pandemic unlawfully, Karakaş also told that political prisoners are held with ISIS members and other racist groups in the same corridors and they are forced to see them when they were being brought to the visiting room which endangers their own safety and their visiters safety.
Adding that some of the guards are provoking the prisoners to attack them physically, Karakaş said: "Let's point out that if it were not for our common sense, these provocations can lead to the murders of political prisoners."
Underlining that they can not afford anything sold in the canteen with the economic crisis, Karakaş also told that the portions of food given by the prison is now less than it was before. 
Pointing out that the price they pay for electricity doubled in the last few months, Karakaş underlined that they are not allowed to have any electrical devices other than TV, kettle and refrigerator however the price they pay for electricity is increasing every week.
Stating that strip search is imposed on political prisoners, Karakaş underlined that strip search is also imposed on female visitors.Karakaş told that they have requested a meeting with the prison prosecutor and director regarding the problems and violations of rights, but the request was not accepted and the problems deepened. Karakaş added that the petitions they wrote to the Prison and Detention Houses and the Ministry of Justice were also left unanswered.