Former peshmerga: Federated Kurdistan faces the same fate with Afrin


ŞIRNAK - Protesting the KDP support for Turkey, former Peshmerga Mustafa Ölmez said: "The Federated Kurdistan Region faces the same fate with Afrin. This is what Turkey did in Afrin."

Condemnations against the Kurdistan Democratic Party which cooperated with Turkey in its attacks against the Federated Kurdistan Region continue. On the one hand, the KDP is driving Gulan and Zêrewanî forces to the Zap, Metîna and Avaşîn regions, and on the other hand, it opens the regions under its control to the Turkish Armed Forces (TSK). Mustafa Ölmez, a former peshmerga living in the Cizre district of Şırnak, who reacted to the KDP's cooperation which he refers to as "treason", warned that Turkey will use the same tactics it used in Afrin, in the Federated Kurdistan Region.
Noting that the history of the KDP is full of betrayals, Ölmez reminded the Iraqi army's attacks on the Peshmerga in May 1976 and said: “With this attack, hundreds of thousands of Kurds migrated from their homeland. I was a Peshmerga at that time. At that time, the rich were paid more than the poor. We were giving that money to the Barzanis who came to collect them so that they could meet the needs of the Peshmerga and buy weapons. We were giving that money to help the peshmerga. KDP was rich, the Peshmerga was hungry. We knew then that they betrayed the Peshmerga. We thought that the KDP was carrying out the Kurdistan cause. We didn't know any other party other than the KDP but KDP's beytrayal dates back to those days. We witnessed a lot of things.”
Stating that the history of KDP is full of stories of betrayal, Ölmez said, "There is not a single Kurd who does not know the betrayal of the KDP. It is clear what they did in throughout their history. But there are patriotic and loyal people in the KDP. I am addressing them as a former peshmerga; Do not take part in this betrayal of the KDP. Anyone who says they have honor and dignity should tell the world the story of KDP's betrayal. The people who lost their lives in Zap, Metina and Avaşîn today are the children of the parents who embraced KDP when the KDP immigrated and came here. They are the children of parents who tell KDP 'Kurdistan belongs to all of us, Kurdistan is one'. But today we see that Mesut Barzani is building companies and palaces for himself. He bought 300 buildings in Dubai. Look at the children of the Peshmerga today, they are all hungry, so KDP betrays every single Kurd in the world.”
Reminding the Turkish attacks on Afrin, Ölmez said: "Today, we all see how the AKP is persecuting the people. They put Kurds in prison. From our co-mayors to our MPs, they put them all in prison. They usurped our municipalities. Even in Africa today, if a Kurd revolts, the AKP will go and attack there. What did the AKP government do in Afrin? It was a massacre. 90 percent of Afrin was Kurdish. Today the population of Kurds is less than 10%. They plundered their property and possessions. They sold  Kurds' lands to Turkmen and Arabs. Today, Federated Kurdistan faces the same fate. The Turkish government is hostile against the Kurds and Barzani goes out and makes friends with it. It does whatever Turkey says."
Calling that the Kurds should not remain silent against betrayal, Ölmez said, “Everyone should stand up against this betrayal. Everyone should come forward and speak up about everything they know about the Barzani family. The Barzani family should be ashamed of their history. Saddam killed 8,000 of their family. KDP should be ashamed for cooperating with the enemies of Kurdistan. The Barzani Family ranks among the richest families in the world. How did the family make all that money? The family stole the goods of the Kurds and turned them into money. If the Kurds unite against this betrayal, they will definitely win."