Armed Conflict in Cudi disrupted the Zap plan

NEWS CENTER - It has been learned that 8 soldiers lost their lives in Mount Cudi and that the TAF's plans for Zap, Metina and Avaşîn turned upside down. It is stated that the command element, which gathered extraordinarily way in Şırnak, decided to operate against Cudi, Gabar and Besta.
Turkey, which launched the attack on Zap, Metîna and Avaşîn regions of the Federated Kurdistan Region on April 23, 2021, could not get the desired results despite the intelligence support of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP), the Gulan and Zêrewanî peshmerga, the Free Syrian Army (FSA) and the Roj gangs. This disappointing attack for Turkey moved to a new stage on April 17, after months of "diplomatic" traffic between Ankara and Hewler.
The "diplomatic" traffic, which started with the meetings of Defense Minister Hulusi Akar and the National Intelligence Organisation (MIT) Head Hakan Fidan with KDP officials in Hewlêr, was followed by the meeting of AKP President Tayyip Erdoğan, Federated Kurdistan Regional President Nêçîrvan Barzani and Federated Kurdistan Region Prime Minister Mesrur Barzani. On 17 April, right after Mesrur Barzani's meeting with Erdoğan in Istanbul, extensive attacks by the AKP-KDP on Zap, Metîna and Avaşîn regions began.
It is stated that despite the intense air bombardment and intense attacks from the regions under the control of the KDP, no progress has been made for 21 days in the attacks, which have been carried to a new stage. In addition to the lack of progress beyond the border, 8 soldiers lost their lives as a result of the clash between HPG members and soldiers on Mount Judi on April 30.
It has been revealed that 8 soldiers died as a result of the clashes, 2 of which were announced officially and an extraordinary meeting was held in Şırnak on May 1 under the chairpersonship of Gendarmerie General Commander Arif Çetin. At the meeting, which was attended by some rangers, it was stated that the deaths of soldiers in Cudi upset the balance. In the meeting in which a lot of discussions broke, a high ranking soldier from the command element of the TAF said, “They are coming too close to us. There is no point in operating outside without cleaning it from the inside." 
It was claimed that the visit of Interior Minister Süleyman Soylu, who came to the fore with the rumour that he visited the wounded soldiers in Cudi, was due to the extraordinary meeting held at the Division Command. However, it was stated that Soylu was not at the meeting which was attended by the village rangers.
After the meeting, it was learned that Gendarmerie General Commander Arif Çetin had brought Hazım Babat from Şenobalı Babat family living in Ankara to Şırnak. It was stated that Çetin and Babat held a second meeting with some of the chief village rangers in the region. At the meeting where the cross-border operation and the loss of soldiers in Cudi Mountain were discussed, it was learned that a comprehensive operation decision was taken against Cudi, Gabar and Şırnak, and against Besta, which is located in the middle of Siirt's Pervari district and Herekol Mountain.
Çetin, who served as a captain at Diyarbakır Gendarmerie Public Security Corps Command in 1993, as a colonel at Şırnak 23rd Gendarmerie Border Division Command in 1999, and as Şenoba 22nd Gendarmerie Border Tactical Brigade Commander between 2007-2009, is known for his operations in the region with Hazım Babat. Making a statement on the allegations against Çetin after the July 15 coup attempt, Hazım Babat said, "We were in operations together in Bestler Dereler, Gabar, Cudi almost every week."
It was stated that after this meeting, Hazım Babat held an "operation" meeting with the rangers in Uludere in Şenoba, where he went on May 3. It was learned that Babat wanted all the village rangers to be instructed to participate in the operations, and to persuade those who did not. It was noted that after the meeting, the chief rangers gave instructions to the rangers for the operation. The rangers were instructed to be involved in the operation to provide intelligence from Besta region acting as nomads."