May 1 in İzmir: Gündoğdu Square filled with workers

İZMİR - The May 1 rally organised in Konak Gündoğdu Square was filled with workers, women and youth demanding justice, law, democracy and freedom, condemning exploitation and war.
Workers, women and young people flocked to the May 1 celebrations organised by İzmir May 1 Organising Committee. People condemned the economic exploitation of the people and the war policies of Turkey with the rally held from 3 different points, marching to Gündoğdu Square. Confederation of Progressive Trade Unions (DİSK), Confederation of Turkish Trade Unions (Türk-İş) and Confederation of Public Workers Unions (KESK) lead the marches that started from 3 different points. The banners that drew attention in the rally was as follows: "Sun will rise for us tomorrow, but never for you", "We will not submit to unequality, injustice, unlawfulness, unemployement and poverty", "We will overturn the reign of the thieves", "Bijî Yek Gulan", "İstanbul Convention is ours", "To say no to violence against women, long live May 1", "From revolt to resistance, from resistance to freedom". The slogans frequently heard at the rally was as follows: "Everywhere is Taksim, resistance is everywhere", "We can not be saved alone, either together or none will be saved", "A time will come, things will change, AKP will be accountable in front of the people", "Government, resign", "We are not to be silenced, we are not to be scared, we will not submit",  "Bijî Berxwedana Zinadana" , "Deniz Poyraz is our honour".
In addition to the political parties, institutions, unions, women's, environmental and human rights organizations in the city, people's Democratic Party and Republican People's Party MPs, relatives of the miners who lost their lives in Soma, miners from Soma and workers from various business lines participated in the rally. During the enthusiastic rally, slogans regarding democracy and freedom as well as economic demands were shouted. The mass called the government to resign, pointing to the AKP government's responsibility for the economic and political crisis. Photographs of Deniz Poyraz, who was murdered in the HDP İzmir Provincial Building, were carried at the rally, in which Kurdish women wore local clothes. Aysel Tuğluk and Freedom for All Sick Prisoners Platform set up a signature stand at the rally to demand freedom for sick prisoners.
The rally started with a moment of silence in memory of those who lost their lives during the May Day protests back in 1997 and 1996 and Gezi protests.
Following the moment of silence, DİSK Aegean Region Representative Memiş Sarı, who made the opening speech, said that due to the economic crisis, unemployment, price hikes and pandemic, the workers were forced to live under the oppressive and exploitative conditions of the AKP government. Stating that the workers are shouting for their rights against this situation, Sarı stated that their struggle will continue until the labor gains its rights. Mentioning the prison sentences in the Gezi trial, Sarı commemorated those who lost their lives during the Gezi protests and the names of those sentenced in the Gezi trial, and noted that democracy will come from Gezi.
After Sarı's speech, the messages sent by the prisoners from the prisons were read.
Türk-İş İzmir Regional Representative Hayrettin Çakmak, who read the joint press statement, said that May 1 is the day of tens of thousands of workers who produce life itself. Emphasizing that exploitation, inequality, injustice and insecurity are deepening all over the world, Çakmak said, “The values ​​and resources created by us workers are transferred to capital, wars and armament, not for the needs of the people, secure jobs and humane wages at the expense of nature's destruction. While billions of people are struggling with poverty and deprivation, wealthy people continue to get richer and add wealth to their wealth. The destruction created by the crises and the war hits us the workers once again, impoverishing us, leading to large waves of migration and increasing discrimination."
Speaking afterwards, KESK İzmir Branches Platform Term Spokesperson Necip Vardar said, “We are together again on the 1st of May with the spirit of equality, freedom, solidarity. Happily, we are Gezi; We will send those who created this darkness to defeat tyranny and carry freedom around these lands in working overalls. Our country is going through a period where tyranny is getting darker with a permanent state of emergency regime. Public resources, the values ​​created by the collective effort of all of us, the nature, lands, mountains, stones, streams, bays, beaches, and historical heritage of our beautiful country are being plundered so that a handful of rich people can become richer, moreover, with the abuse of this power by those who entrust the public power.
Vardar said that while the government officials receive  multiple salaries, public resources are offered to their supporters, and that the workers' demand for a humane life is rejected due to lack of resources." Noting that capital wants to spread everywhere and create a world in its own image, Vardar said, “But it can not go like this. We shout out from these streets once again. We are the ones who create and produce all values, we will be the rulers. They are the enemies of hope. However, hope is standing tall in the spirit of Gezi, in this square where we celebrate May 1, in all the squares of the country. Workers do not have the patience or luxury to wait for the elections! We will never agree to be slaves to the capital and slaves to the power. We will build a world and a country together, with our own hands, in the image of labor."
The celebrations ended with the performance of the artist Edip Akbayram.