Workers flocking to May 1 Celebrations in Diyarbakır

DİYARBAKIR - Thousands of workers and laborers in Diyarbakır began to flock in corteges to the Station Square, where May 1 will be celebrated.
May 1 is celebrated with the slogan "Together We Will Change", led by the Confederation of Public Workers' Unions (KESK) Diyarbakir Branches, the Chamber of Physicians, the Revolutionary Trade Unions Confederation (DISK) Regional Representative and the Union of Turkish Engineers and Architects Union (TMMOB) Provincial Coordination Board. Starting in the morning, thousands of people began to flock to the Station Square, where the celebration will be held in corteges. Banners written, "We are taking to streets for a dignified and humane life", "Labour is ours and it is our time to speak", "We are on the streets against wars and antidemocratic practices", "The state is rich, the people are poor, the partisans of government are happy" were hung in the celebration area. Slogans like  “Bijî yek gulan”, “Bijî berxwedana karkeran”, “Murderer, thief AKP”, “jin jiyan azadî” were shouted frequently.
Three check points were established for the workers to enter the celebration area. People are allowed in the area after being searched by the police.
Dicle Fırat Journalists Association (DFG), Members of the Journalists' Union of Turkey (TGS), Democratic Regions Party (DBP), KESK, Education Union, TMMOB and other trade union organizations entered the Station Square in corteges from Gevran and Ekinciler streets. The DFG cortege was holding the banner "Kedkarên Çapemeniya Azad, li dijî zilmê kedxwariyê, qedexe û sansurê li ber xwe didin, bijî yekê gulanê", and the HDP Youth Assembly, in response to Turkey's attacks in the Federated Kurdistan Region, was holding a banner written, "Unity will bring victory, betrayel will bring exploitation".
HDP Diyarbakır Deputy Dersim Dağ, Organizing Committee member Kamuran Taş, KESK MYK member Gönül Kural and TTB Central Council member Yerlikaya Halis Yerlikaya will each make speeches at the 1 May rally.
After the speeches, Azad Bedran and Eğitim Sen music group will take the stage.
The entrance of workers and union organizations to the area continues.