Witness in the Kobanê Case says the statement is not his

  • actual
  • 19:18 25 April 2022
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ANKARA - Heard for the first time in the Kobané Case, Hamit Yıldırım told that he learned he was a witness just recently, and said: "80 percent of the statement does not belong to me."

The 12th hearing of Kobanê case, where 108 people, 21 of whom are imprisoned, including former Co-Chairs of the Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) and members of the Central Executive Committee (MYK), are on trial, on grounds of the protests against ISIS's attacks against Kobanê on  October 6-8, 2014, continues to be held in the Sincan Prison Campus Trial Hall.

The president of the court, who rejected the objections of the attorneys, began to listen to the complainant. Bora Semir said that he was a police officer and was injured during the Kobanê protests, Semir demanded to join the case as a complainant.

Ayla Akat Ata, who took the floor after Semir's statements, asked the complainant, "If you were injured, was the person who injured you identified and a lawsuit filed?" Semir said that a lawsuit has been filed but the perpetrators have not been identified because the faces of those involved in the incident were covered. Ata asked to Semir, “Has anyone been punished for your injury?” Semir said that some people were sentenced to prison. Ata asked the complainant, "Have you ever filed a complaint against HDP executives?" Semir did not give clear information about whether he had a filed a complaint against HDP executives or not. Semir told that he did not care who instigated the events or who hurt people and told that he complains about anyone involved."


After Ayla Akat Ata, Selahattin Demirtaş asked questions to the complainant. Demirtaş said, "Did you file a complaint and see the defendants and give your statement while the file was ongoing in Erciş. The complainant said: "The faces of the defendants were covered but I filed a criminal complaint against those who were identified. Demirtaş asked why he did not file a criminal complaint against them at the time, the defendant said: "There were no file at the time and now there is one, I am here to testify."

The defendant answered Demirtaş who asked if he did have any information on whom they have instigated, and the defendant said he did not have any information. Demirtaş asked,  “How did you learn about the case?” The complainant replied that he heard about it through the instruction. When Demirtaş asked if he had any information about the case file in Erçiş, the complainant said that he did not have any information, including the file number.


After the questions asked to the complainant, Hamit Yıldırım's statement was taken as a witness. Expressing that he had no knowledge of the October 6-8 protests, witness Yıldırım said, "I don't even know what to say right now. I don't even know why I'm here. "It's been 8 years, I don't remember anything."


The head of the court read the statement of Yıldırım at the Muş Police Department and asked about his statements there, however the witness said he did not remember anything and he could not accuse anyone. The witness said: "80 percent of these statements do not belong to me. I don't remember saying any of these. I swore to tell the truth, but I don't remember. I know Selahattin Demirtaş and Figen Yüksekdağ because they are co-chairs. I don't know the anything else."


When Selahattin Demirtaş asked how did he was informed about the case, the witness Yıldırım said he was called by the Muş Security Directorate and told that there was a case he had to be the a witness to but he wasn't sent any notices about it."


Attorney Ali Bozan demanded that them and the politicians to be allowed to speak on the statements of the complainants and witnesses. Protesting that the court board did not allow them to speak, Ali Bozan said: "Your court board makes decisions according to their own lights. You can not reject giving the floor to the complainants and the politicians on grounds of the Code of Criminal Procedure according to yourself. There is no such regulation. I will have statements on the complainants and the witness. We want to be heard regarding these."


Making an interim decision regarding Bozan's request, the court decided that politicians and attorneys will be given the right to speak against the statements of witnesses and complainants heard, that there is no obstacle in this context, and that the documents coming after the reading of the documents between the hearing and the statements of the complainant and witnesses will be given the right to speak.

The Head of the Court Board read the documents attached to the file. After the documents were read, the court was adjourned for an hour.