Protester who threw a guerilla shoe at Barzani: I wanted him to see the shoe that represents freedom

  • actual
  • 12:59 23 April 2022
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NEWS CENTER - NEWS CENTER - Berîtan, who protested the Federated Kurdistan Region Prime Minister Mesrur ​​Barzani, who went to England after his visit to Turkey, with a shoe that is identified with the guerilla, told that the shoe represents guerilla and became a symbol and said: "That shoe represents the struggle of Kurds for honour and dignity."
The Prime Minister of the Federated Kurdistan Region Mesrur ​​Barzani, who went to England after his visit to Turkey, which launched a cross-border operation against the Federated Kurdistan Region in partnership with the KDP, was protested by Kurdish youth in the capital, London. The Kurds, who came together in front of the KDP building in London, protested Barzani for his involvement in cross-border attacks in cooperation with Turkey. The young people, who threw eggs to the car Barzani was in, shouted the slogans "Murderer" and "Bimre ixanet".
Among those protesting Mesrur ​​Barzani, the protest of a woman with shoes representing PKK members drew attention. The woman with the shpe, reached by Yeni Özgür Politika, explained the purpose of the protest.
The woman, who is from Ranya but has been living in England for 17 years and named Berîtan by the guerrillas she knes, drew attention with the shoe in her hand at the protes that took place in front of the Royal Institute of International Relations (Chatham House) on 20 April against the Prime Minister of the KDP government, Mesrur ​​Barzani.
Stating that she could not remain silent in the face of the betrayel of Barzani as any other Kurds couldn't, Berîtan said: "I left my children at home with my husband and reached the place where the protest would take place after a 3 hour journey. I took the shoe with me and placed some eggs in it. I wanted Mesrour to see the shoe that represents honour, dignity, peace and freedom. Police was a wall of flesh in front of us, trying to stop us. But I found my way in front of the Chatham House. I threw the shoe and the eggs as Mesrour was leaving the building. The police threw me to the road flat and handcuffed me behind the back. As they got me back on my feet Mesrour looked at me from inside his car. We caught each other's eye and a spit and said: "‘Cehş Barzanî’. They are a black mark in the history of Kurdistan. Betrayel can only be prevented by developing an attitude towards it."
Stating that the shoes became integrated with the guerrilla and turned into a symbol, Berîtan said, “These shoes mean the Kurdish people's struggle for honor and glory. Thoes shoes are women's freedom, a people's dignity, peace and freedom revolution. The target of the invasion attack is not only the PKK, the target is not only Qandil, but the Turkish state and the KDP's target is the Kurdish and the people of Kurdistan.It is the Rojava Revolution." Berîtan continued: "To defend the PKK is to defend Kurdistan. The people of Southern Kurdistan must stand up and defend the guerrilla, which is the honor of this people. To defend the guerrilla is to defend the lands of Kurdistan. My call to the people of the South is to unite against the invasion and betrayel. To become one heart."
Berîtan said, "The Peshmergê who fights against the guerrilla also commits treason. They will have betrayed if they die too. They should not ascribe this dishonor to themselves. As long as the KDP exists, the Kurdish people will not achieve freedom.” Addressing the women of Southern Kurdistan, Berîtan said, “We are proud and honored by our female guerrillas. In the South, women were seen as slaves. We learned about women's freedom with the Kurdish guerrilla. If we do not want to live in slavery, let's not remain silent about this invasion and betrayal.”