Muharrem Aksem is not the first: Those responsible should be punished

  • actual
  • 12:29 29 March 2022
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URFA - Reminding the children died as a result of mines and explosives in the provinces of the region, İHD Urfa Co-chair Mustafa Vefa said: "If the government did not take any measures to stop this, those responsible should be punished."

16-year-old Muharrem Aksem was found dead in the Eyyübiye district of Urfa, in the area where special operations police were doing target practice on March 24. In the preliminary autopsy report prepared on Aksem's death, it was stated that 12 pieces of metal were removed from his body and his right hand was missing.
According to the Report on Violations of the Right to Life of Children in the environment of armed conflict between 2011 and 2021, published by the Human Rights Association (İHD) Diyarbakır Branch Documentation Center on November 19, 2021, 228 children lost their lives in the provinces of the region, and the cause of death of 39 of them was mines and explosives left behind.
İHD Urfa Branch Co-chair Mustafa Vefa spoke to the Mesopotamia Agency (MA) about the "policy of impunity" in Aksem's death, the legislation on shooting ranges and similar incidents.
Stating that military shooting ranges and unclaimed ammunition have caused deaths in the provinces of the region for many years, Vefa noted that the number of child deaths that the İHD Diyarbakır Branch could detect is 228. Stating that the reason for the deaths was that all the provinces of the region were turned into war zones, Vefa said, “Aksem is not the first person to lose his life. If this state of war continues, unfortunately, he will not be the last person. There are many international conventions that Turkey is a party to. The state has an obligation to provide safe living spaces to all people. If a child dies near his home, if the state has not taken any measures, those responsible should be punished." 
Referring to the trials regarding these children who lost their lives like Aksem, Vefa said, "If the people responsible for the deaths of 228 children had not faced impunity and had been held accountable before the judiciary, Muharrem would not have lost his life today. The perpetrators of these incidents have the feeling that they will not be prosecuted for their faulty behavior and failure to fulfill their responsibilities. The armor of impunity causes this feeling.”
Emphasizing that the area where Aksem died was not suitable for being a target practice area, Vefa stated that there are many target training areas in Urfa and drew attention to the legal regulations regarding these areas by giving the following information: "These areas must be fenced and there must be flags around the area so that people can understand that military training is being carried out in that area. If the area is not used temporarily – and the Governor's Office said in its statement that it has been used since 2005 – the surrounding of that area should be completely closed with wire fences. Why didn't they fence the area? Or take protective measures? Even if it is a temporarily used area, it is necessary to inform the settlements close to that area that training will be held. According to the interviews we have made with the residents of the neighborhood, no information has been provided in this regard.”
Underlining that it is easy to identify the persons and institutions responsible for the incident, Vefa continued: “That area has been established by law enforcement officers. The investigation needs to be conducted meticulously. Persons who may be responsible for the incident should be kept away from the investigation. An impartial and fair investigation is required. Failure to take the necessary precautions resulted in the death of a child. The people who caused this death must be punished. We have to ensure this so that other people do not lose their lives. Authorities have to rectify such imprudence. The public should be informed about the issue. There is no guarantee that people living in Urfa will not be injured by abandoned ammunition. We do not only want this for ourselves or Muharrem, we want it for everyone. We will not let it go so that there is no more violations of the right to life.”
MA / Emrullah Acar