'Not releasing ill prisoner Özkan is murder'

  • actual
  • 12:25 18 March 2022
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ANKARA - Stating that ill prisoner Mehmet Emin Özkan must be released immediately, HDP Group Deputy Chair Meral Danış Beştaş told that not releasing Özkan is attempted murder.
The Ombudsman's Institution rejected the application made to Forensic Medicine Institude (ATK) for ill prisoner Özkan who was taken to prison infirmary 302 times and hospitalized 374 times, by Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) Group Deputy Chairmen Saruhan Oluç, Meral Danış Beştaş and Parliamentary Human Rights Investigation Commission member Fatma Kurtulan on grounds that it was against legal regulation.
Ill prisoner Özkan is not released from prison despite the fact that he is not able to meet his basic needs in prison condition due to his old age and many illnesses. Even though several different hospitals gave a report that says he is not fit to remain in prison, the ATK prevents Özkan's release. Evaluating the applications made to the Ombudsman's Institution and the health status of Özkan, Beştaş said Özkan was left for dead in prison.
Stating that as an ill prisoner, the situation of Özkan has become a major agenda topic in Turkey, Beştaş said: "We are talking about a seriously ill person who was taken to hospital or infirmary at least 700 times. Turkey remembers 85-year-old Özkan being taken to hospital in handcuffs. He is in his death bed. It is a matter of time he loses his life. We are in constant communication with his family. We spoke to her daughter yesterday and she said he is no longer able to speak on the phone." Stating that she visited Özkan in prison twice, Beştaş said: "In fact he was not able to speak or hear me speaking. He is carried to the visiting room with an arm chair."
Underlining that Özkan can't maintain his life alone, Beştaş told that his son, who is also in prison, was brought to his prison to take care of his father. Beştaş said: "He is barely alive with the care of his son. He can not stay alive alone. Underlining that the ATK has been giving reports that says he can remain in prison insistantly, Beştaş said: "This is attempted murder. This is leaving a person to dead. The right to life of a person can not be sacrificed so easily. We underlined this over and over again. Leaving prisoners to dead in prison is murder. He can not harm anyone if he were outside. He will be with his family and who knows for how long. We want him to rest in his bed without handcuffs on his wrists. This is a very humanitarian and conscientious issue."
Pointing out that Özkan's request for a retrial has been accepted, Beştaş noted that the court has the right to release him. Beştaş said: "He is held in prison for the last 25 years.  It is impossible to understand what they are taking revenge for. This is clearly a revenge for something. States do not take revenge. They are run by the rule of law. Özkan must be released immediately. Even hours matter."
Stating that all authorized institutions will be responsible for Özkan's death, Beştaş said, “ATK does not issue these reports according to the rules it has to abide by. These decisions are given with political motives. The government is using the courts as a weapon. ATK and the Ministry of Justice will be responsible for the death of Özkan and so are the courts."