Prisoners in Kürkçüler Prison not referred to hospital for 3 months

ANKARA - In the letter they sent to HDP MP Meral Danış Beştaş, the prisoners in Kürkçüler Type F Prison stated that despite being subjected to 5 separate searches, the guards insist on searching inside their mouths and they haven't been referred to the hospital for the last 3 months.
Mazhar Güler, Ekrem Baydoğan and Kemal Özelmalı, held in Adana Kürkçüler Type F Closed Prison, sent a letter to Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) Group Deputy Chair Meral Danış Beştaş about the violations of rights. In the letter, the prisoners stated that their right to treatment was violated and drew attention to the fact that the prison administration stopped referring the ill prisoners to hospital 3 months ago. Stating that they were subjected to degrading treatment by the soldiers, they also insisted on searching inside their mouths.
Stating that they either could not get a response from the prison administration and the authorities to whom they reported the situation, or that they received the answer it was the jurisdiction of the gendermerie, not them, the prisoners underlined that the situation of the prisoners with chronic diseases deteriorated and wrote that they applied to the Parliamentary Human Rights Monitoring Commission (İHİK), but they did not receive a response yet.