Women of Rojava vow to liberate Öcalan

URFA - The spokespersons of the economy, ecology and children's committees of Kongreya Star stated that every day is the women's day for women in the region after the Rojava Revolution and said, "We will liberate Öcalan one day, just as we liberated women."
In Northern and Eastern Syria, March 8 International Women's Day activities, which started on February 23 under the leadership of the Women's Movements and Organizations Joint Activity Platform, will continue until March 10. In Northern and Eastern Syria, where activities are held with the slogan "Together we will defend our revolution and liberate our lands" this year, the Autonomous Administration declared March 8 a public holiday in all institutions and units.
The spokespersons of the economy, ecology and children's committees of Kongreya Star, the umbrella organization of women in the region, made assessments on March 8.
Armanc Mihemed, the Spokesperson of the Kongreya Star Women's Economic Committee, congratulated all women on March 8 and said, "March 8 is celebrated as the international day of women. For thousands of years, patriarchal systems have conducted and are carrying out a policy of suppression over women. In a textile factory in New York, USA, 120 women were killed as a result of the police attacking the workers who went on strike. The women workers were locked in the factory in which a fire started that killed 120 women, trapped in the factory.  Men killed 120 women. Women were seen as slaves, and especially this mentality still exists in the Middle East today. The Rojava Revolution, which took place on July 19, 2012 against this mentality, is known as a women's revolution. Not only March 8, but every day in Northern and Eastern Syria is the woman's day. Women are organized in the military, economic, political and social fields in the Autonomous Administration. The Autonomous Administration declared March 8 a public holiday. Happy Women's Day to all women."
Reminding that the will of women left their mark on the Rojava Revolution, Kongreya Star Spokesperson Remziye Mihemed said that the women who were locked in their homes by the Baath Regime, are leading the society today. Mihemed said, “After the revolution, women in the region gained their rights one by one by organizing in all areas of life. Now, women who stand up for these rights will be on the streets on March 8, more enthusiastic and determined than ever, to say, "We are protecting our lands." March 8 is celebrated everywhere in Northern and Eastern Syria. Even in Raqqa which was known as the capital of ISIS, March 8 is being celebrated with great enthusiasm. In the city, where women were once "sold" in the slave markets, women are strengthening their organizations day by day. Abdullah Öcalan's Democratic Nation project comes to life under the leadership of women in the region. Women will strengthen their organizations by gaining strength from this project. As we liberated women, we will one day liberate President Apo."
Stating that after the Rojava Revolution, every day in Northern and Eastern Syria was like a feast for women, Kongreya Star Ecology Committee Spokesperson Rîhan Temo said: “We respectfully commemorate the women who lost their lives as a result of male violence. With the revolution, women now greet every day as the women's day. Women will shout out in the streets against the occupation this year. Ecological revolution is possible with the success of women's revolution. As women, we can lead a clean society. In an ecological society, women would be free. At a time when we are closer to freedom than ever, attacks against women are on the rise. I hope that this year, will be a year in which violence comes to an end, it will be the year of women's freedom."
Coliya Xilo, the spokesperson of the Congress for Children Committee, emphasized that they took an active role in the activities of March 8 as a children's commission, and continued: “We, as the Children's Committee, contribute to the March 8 activities of Kongreya Star. We explain their rights to women through seminars we hold in many places. On the way to March 8, we are carrying out reforestation work in many places.  This year, celebrations are held with the slogan "Together we will defend our revolution and liberate our lands". On March 8 this year, we will honor the legacy  of women who died for the liberation of women and for these lands.
MA / Emrullah Acar