From Öcalan to women: Freedom is the only salvation

NEWS CENTER -  Pointing out that a democratic solution can only be possible with the equality and freedom of women, PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan called out to women and said: "Freedom is the only salvation."
PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan laid out the road map for freedom with the thesis that suggests society will never be free unless women are liberarted. Inspired by Öcalan, women today continue the "Free Women's March" led by Kurdish women. Continuing their freedom march this year with the slogan “Dem dema azadiya jinan e”, women continue to shout out their demands by taking to the streets as part of the March 8 International Women's Day. Shedding light on the struggle of women in the freedom march with the "Women's Libertarian, Ecological, Democratic Society Paradigm", Öcalan's main agenda was women's freedom during the meetings he held with the İmralı Delegation between 2013 and 2015, which is called the "peace process".
Öcalan, in his meeting with the İmralı Delegation on February 23, 2013, stated that a people whose women are not free does not have a chance to be free, and said, “We are experiencing the women's freedom movement. Sakine (Sakine Cansız) is an example of it. Sakine's life is exemplary. The liberation of women is in line with Sakine's struggle. Women must be liberated. There are great heroines. The sanctity of life is important. Slavery must be abandoned. A people whose women are not free cannot be free. The fully liberated state of women is divine." 
Emphasizing the need for women's liberation, Öcalan said in the meeting dated March 18, 2013, “Women have to rise in the Middle East. You must liberate yourself. When a woman is inside the house, she is enslaved.  Women should be libertarians. I consider it immoral to try to mold women into something other than themselves. The woman needs her 'xweda'. 'Xweda' is giving birth to yourself. A free woman rises like a sun. The words Jin (Woman) and Jiyan (Life) are very meaningful. Women must be strong, free and decisive. A woman is a valuable asset. Raise women who has self-determination. Make the pursuit of free women the basis of your studies. I repeat, there is no life without women. Be hopeful, work hard. Do it with faith.."
At the meeting he held with the İmralı delegation on April 14, 2013, Öcalan said: "Women can free themselves from 5 thousand years of slavery. Men is a gate to fascism. I am still thinking about this. You will determine life socially and in terms of esthetics. You are marrying to wealthy men. This is a horrible, vital mistake. You will build the social, economic and esthetic life and bring around the wild men. The unity of women is extremely important. You will trust yourself. You have patience. You have your labour."
At the meeting held on June 7, 2013 Öcalan said: "Our revolution is a women's revolution. We will end the slavery of women. This is not a class- revolution. Women are put in a horrible place. They are unemployed. They find different ways because of this unemployment. You will recreate yourself. A woman must be free and brave. Women are left out of life. This is a reflection of neolitic society. The men who put women in this situation is despicable."
At the meeting held on February 8, 2014, Öcalan said: "Dozens of women are being murdered on a daily basis. These deaths are worse than war. This is a matter of state security. Women are amazing but they are put in a desperate position. And then there is child brides. It's painful. The revolution that doesn't liberate women is not a revolution."
Öcalan said on June 1, 2014, "We experience the brutality of femicides every day. A woman cannot be killed so viciously, a citizen of this country cannot accept it. The women are chained. We can not be socialist unless we put an end to this."
On November 29, 2014, Öcalan said: "Kurdish love has been won theoretically at this stage. A platonic love has been won. It comes from Platon. It is a social and popular love. Now the whole world began to see this. The passion of freedom born there. Erdoğan says the opposite of what I say. He says women should give birth to at least 3 children and marry young. He says this out of his ideology. So do I. We'll see which ideaology will win. Women's freedom is the first item in my Democratic Solution idea. I spoke to the delegation sent by Turkish state. They don't understand. They don't see how this is related to democratic solution. I am speaking very clearly. There is a direct relation between democratic solution and women's liberation. I will not be an element of a state where women are being slaughtered. The solution will come with the equality and freedom of women. This is essential for me."
MA / Özgür Paksoy