Student injured in racist attack: Police protected the attackers

  • actual
  • 14:55 24 February 2022
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ANTALYA - Kurdish student Fevzi Aka, who was attacked by a racist mob in Akdeniz University campus, said that the late response of the police aimed to protect the attackers.
Botan Artuç, Hatice Tonğ and Fevzi Aka were battered as a result of the racist attack on the Kurdish students in Akdeniz University campus on February 22. The injured students were later taken to Akdeniz Medical Faculty Hospital and Atatürk State Hospital. After their treatment at the hospital, the students filed a criminal complaint against the attackers.
Fevzi Aka, who was injured as a result of the racist attack, spoke about the attack and what happened after it.
Stating that they went to the university campus after their friends were informed that Hatice Tonğ was being followed at around 14:00 on February 22, Aka said that they continued to be followed openly after meeting with Hatice Tonğ. Aka said that there were a lot of security guards and they started walking towards the rectorate building, which they thought would be safe. Aka said that the racist group attacked them at the Ulviye Bazaar, which is about 50 meters away from the rectorate building, and added, "They attacked us with 30 people. Since we were only three people, we could not respond. They had brass knuckles, sticks, and knives. We think they were also carrying guns. They aimed to kill us."
Underlining that both the university administration and the police at the campus and the crime scene did not try to stop the attack, Aka said, “The police and security officers intervened too late. The purpose of the police intervention was to protect the attackers. Some of the people around us protested the racist group. The police had to intervene after that. But the police intervention that came too late, helped the racist group that attacked us to flee from the scene. There were no police or a security officer while that group was attacking us.
Aka noted that they went to the hospital and then to the prosecutor's office to file a criminal complaint. Aka pointed out that although they have filed a criminal complaint, no action has been taken against any of the attackers so far and that no one from the aforementioned group has been caught.
Noting that some of the racist group of thirty people who attacked them were not students, Aka said, “Some were students and some came from outside the school. I have never seen the person named Mehmet Çam, who attacked us in the first place at school before. There are photos of that person with the Akdeniz University Security Chief. He also has photos taken with the Dean of the university and some Members of the Parliament.
Stating that he was attacked in a place close to the Rectorate building and the attackers aimed at killing them, Aka said there were no cameras at the scene of the attack. Aka continued, "But I think there are cameras in front of the Rectorate building and they could be found in that footage."
MA / Selman Guzelyuz