'UN is a partnership of interests of states, not nations'

  • actual
  • 16:38 2 February 2022
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NEWS CENTER - Stating that the UN has lost its property as a humanitarian organization, Makhmur Camp People's Council Co-chair Yusuf Kara said, "The UN is the partnership of states, not peoples." 

The embargo imposed by the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) on the Makhmur Camp, established within the borders of the Makhmur district of the Mosul Province of Iraq, continues in its third year. Due to the village evacuations and village guard terror that Turkey subjected the Kruds to, in the 90s, 12 thousand people have migrated and started living the Makhmur Camp, the majority of which were immigrants from Şırnak and Hakkari. The camp, which has been under the protection of the United Nations (UN) since 1998, has the status of being the home of international political refugees. The camp, which has been subjected to many attacks since the day it was founded, was embargoed by the KDP after the attack on 3 people working at the Turkish consulate in Hewler on July 17, 2019.
The camp was exposed to the attacks of Turkey's Armed Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (drones) many times. Many people lost their lives in these attacks, while dozens were injured. While thousands of people living in the camp are struggling with the embargo imposed by the KDP, they are resisting the Iraqi authorities' attempt to close the camp with wire fences. On December 27, 2021, Iraqi military forces wanted to close the camp with wire fences they brought with them. When thousands of people living in the camp reacted to this situation, the Iraqi authorities withdrew however this time they started to build security towers near the camp.
Makhmur Camp People's Council Co-chair Yusuf Kara evaluated the latest developments in the camp.
Reminding that the citizens living in the MaKhmur Camp have been subjected to all kinds of oppression and bullying for 27 years and did not give in to these, Kara said that the people living in the camp have paid a great price. Stating that they settled in Makhmur Camp after going through an ordeal, Kara stated that the political pressure and attacks against them have continued from past to present. Emphasizing that the main purpose of the attacks against them is to disperse the people who are committed to their struggle, Kara said, “For this reason, they are blockading our camp. They want to restrict our commute. They cause difficulties in both economic and social areas, but as citizens living here, we will not give in to this."
Underlining that Turkey was behind the repression and attacks against the camp, Kara stated that the Iraqi government also came under the influence of Turkey and acted accordingly. Adding that Iraq cannot conduct politics with the status of a free state, Kara said, “Because some dominant groups have taken the Iraqi state prisoner. Politically, it cannot form a government. The governments it established are not under the influence of the Iraqi people, but under the influence of Iran, America and Turkey. In such a state, instability reigns. In a state under such a government, some groups can take initiative and act in line with their own interests. Turkey's influence on the Iraqi state has also increased. Because, contrary to what was said in the talks with Iraqi officials, steps are being taken." 
Pointing out that Iraq has taken initiatives against its camps in line with Turkey's demands, Kara continued: “The attempt to close the camp with wire fences is an example of this. This attempt was stopped with the will of our people, but this does not mean that there will be no other attempts in the future. Now, there has been public information that there are some security towers near our camp. We have done research on this subject. We determined that these towers were brought, but in the interviews we made, we were told that they were not for the camp but for other regions. We are following this situation. If they want to put these towers around our camp, it is no different than wire fences. In the interviews we had with the UN representatives, they said that they were not involved in any attempts. It is understood that this is the attempt of those who act in line with their interests with Turkey. We will not accept this, no matter what price is paid.”
Reminding that the Makhmur Camp is a place where political refugees are staying in and that this camp is under the protection of the UN in terms of health, education, economy, social life and politics, Kara continued as follows: “But the UN does not fulfill its mission to protect refugees. Turkey continues to be influential in this regard as well. Turkey influences the UN for its own interests. The UN is a so-called humanitarian organization, it acts in line with its own political interests. For this reason, they remain silent against the attacks on the camp. Such attacks would not have taken place if they did not allow it. The UN, which is no longer a humanitarian organization, is acting purely in line with its political interests. The UN is breaking its own laws. They spend millions of dollars, but it is not clear where they spend it, to whom the money is given to. The UN is not a partnership of nations, but an institution of joint action of states that come together for their interests. This is what their practice shows. We will not bow down to any attack on the camp. At this stage, we also call on the UN and the Iraqi government to fulfill their responsibilities."
MA / Omer Akin