Demand for an investigation commission against pressure on Kurdish press

  • actual
  • 11:13 31 January 2022
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ANKARA - HDP Deputy Nuran Imir, who brought the pressure on Kurdish media organizations to the agenda of the Parliament, demanded the establishment of an investigation commission.

Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) Şırnak Deputy Nuran İmir submitted a research proposal to the Parliament regarding the pressure on Kurdish media outlets.
In the motion emphasizing that the pressure on Kurdish media is increasing day by day with Presidential circulars and Statutory Decrees (KHK), it was underlined that access to Xwebun newspaper and Nujinha websites broadcasting in Kurdish, and Yeni Yaşam, Özgür Gelecek, Alınteri, Mücadele Birliği newspapers were banned with the Presidential circular published on January 29.
It was stated in the motion that journalists were subjected to violence and insults, along with detentions, arrests and inveastigations against them. It was underlined that in 2021, 55 journalists were subjected to physical attacks, offices of 2 media outlets were attacked, 2 journalists were killed, houses of 9 journalists were raided, 61 journalists were detained, 6 were subjected to torture and ill treatment, 101 journalists were prevented from doing their jobs following news on the ground and 17 jouranlists were subjected to violations of rights in prison.
In the proposal, it was demanded that a parliamentary investigation commission be established in order to determine the violations of rights of journalist and necessary steps to be taken.