Justice Watch: We will resist everywhere

  • actual
  • 16:47 12 January 2022
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DIYARBAKIR / VAN - Families of the prisoners who are staging a sit in told that their Justice Watch will continue and they will resist everywhere until the prisoners are free on the 58th day of the sit in.

The Justice Watch, which was initiated at the Diyarbakır Bar Association's service building for the ill prisoners and prisoners who are not released despite serving their time, continues on its 58th day. 
During the sit in today, a letter by Ahmet Kolakan being held in Bandırma prison was read. A relative of a prisoner, İnci Güler underlined that the sit in is on its 58th day, İnci said no one has done anything about the ill prisoners yet. Güler said: "The laws are violated when it comes to political prisoners. We will continue to demand justice as long as they keep doing this. We will continue the sit in until our demands are met."
Relative of a prisoner, Reşahat Ada said: "We will continue this sit  in for our children. I am addressing the Ministry of Justice and the Presidency, it has almost been 2 months and yet you have done nothing. We will die for our children if neccessary. We will resist everywhere." 
The Justice Watch, initiated by the families of the detainees at the Van Bar Association, continues on its 34th day. Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) Westan (Gevaş) District Organization visited their families during the day. During the visit, HDP Westan District Manager Basri Arslan stated that the isolation against PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan has spread to the whole society, and the way to break it is through struggle.
Stating that the state increased its pressure lately, Arslan said, "They aim to silence the society by suppressing the society through isolation and to take away their other rights. They resort to repression to break the will of a society that is in resistance. We know that there are examples in history that proves us this oppression and isolation policy will fail."